Help! Have Babies :o

only 3 left that i can see :(

theres no other fish in the tank, filters on lowest settings, feeding them loads, dunno whats happened to them :\

aww no way sorry for your losses, are the three still in your breeder? they may well of been just a weak batch i lost all 12-15 of my last fry due to them been to weak and tiny, i hope the remainders are strong and survive let us know x
i took them out the breeder, put mom and clown loach into seperate tank and left the fry in the big tank to themselves, n they just dissappeared. these 3 seem ok though, hope they survive :\
hey! yep still have the mighty trio, they seem happy enough.

im dissapointed though, i bought 3 plants and they aint been anywhere near them! they just swim around the middle of the tank lol
lol, glad their still going strong!! im sure they will find the plants soon, lol
heres couple of pics of the biggest one, hes started to show a bit of blue colour now, sorry for crappy pics


awww bless, keep up the good work, these guys seem to grow so so fast then stop growing altogether lol well they do grow you just dont notice it as much lol, i have 20 fry in my tank at the min and they are just a little bigger than your in the pic they are sooo cute, what are you feeding your fry now?
still same crushed flake food, they seem happy enough with it, aint really crushing it so much now as they'll eat whatever size goes in there lol

got some pics of your fry? its so hard to take pictures of fish in fish tanks :\
excellent, yeah its really difficult to take pics in tanks, you think they would stay still for at least one second for a picture lol, here is a pic when they were babies, i will get a recent pic tomorrow or sunday


i was only half way through catching them!!
i have about 20 now, like i said i will get a pic and get it on here, maybe tonight, they are so cute and some many different colours lol i have one that i call zebby as one side of him is pale orange and on his other side he is slate grey with 3 big stripes down his side almost like nemo lol but the stripes are only down one side lol i will try to get a pic of him but no promises!!!! u know how hard it is to get a pic of them!! :crazy: :D
lots of pics.... i had to bribe them with food to pose for me lol





ok zebby is at the bottom of this pic can you see his stripes lol how sweet!!
wow, very clear pics! they look pretty big too.

weve got 1 pretty big baby n the other 2 are medium sized
My dwarf coral platys had babies yesterday as well. I decided to buy a net breeders cage for them. They are all alive so far. If anything in the future, I suggest something such as a net breeders cage. They cost only about $4-$5. Good luck!

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