Help! Have Babies :o


New Member
Jul 25, 2006
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just went to feed our new fish (2 guppies and a clown loach) and the female has gave birth to about 15 baby fish.

should i try catch them all and put them into a new tank? i have a spare tank.

or will they be ok? will the clown loach eat them or the mom n dads eat them?

sorry this is a terrible pic but the camera aint no good with close up pics, but you can just make a baby out in the middle by the bubbles.

thanks for any help
not quite sure about the clown loach eating them but the other guppies will try. How much of the tank is planted and is there lots of hiding place coz if so some should survive in the main tank.
not quite sure about the clown loach eating them but the other guppies will try. How much of the tank is planted and is there lots of hiding place coz if so some should survive in the main tank.

no plants at all, i had 3 small ones but they just died.

ive just caught all i can see (30+) and put them into a breeding tank thing until i decide what i should do with them. they seem to be eating flake food crumpled up.

how should i look after these guys?

cheers :)
you can get fry food but I didn't use that until recently and now I variate it between tiny tiny pieces of crushed flake and fry food. THey will need feeding about 4 times a day. you can keep them in the breeder until they are about 2 weeks old n then chance puttin them back into the main tank. but perhaps get some plants to put in.

And congratulations by the way. :D
thank you :p

this is the first baby fish ive ever had and ive kept tropical fish since i was 16, about 7 years ago :D

i noticed something swimming when i fed mom and dad and thought the pet shop must have put a baby fish in with them, but when i inspected more, there was loads!

lol, thanks for your help
not a problem.
I'm not the most knowledgeable person when it comes to fish but I had 12 fry on sun and have a few batch's before. If you need any more help I'll try and help. ;)
Babies will eat about anything. I feed my baby guppies livebearer flake( with tubifex worms), and my special homemade mix of: omega one tropical flake, tetramin color and regular, O.S.I. freshwater Flake, O.S.I. color Flake, Sprinula Flake, and Sprinula Flake. I also feed them beefheart. I do water changes every week, and i use Amquel plus to get rid of any chlorine. chlorimines, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite. Hope this helps.
hi there, congratulations on your unexpected fry lol,
nice pics, my mollies also gave birth to fry this morning and most of them are now in a breeder, i dunno if you know but aswell as feeding up to 4 times a day you also need to change the breeders water daily possibly twice a day i hate to sound patrenising so im sorry if it did, but your new to having fry so any help is good help right!! i feed mine on liqifry no2 liquid food and liqifry no3 which is powdered food, also i personally think you have too much gravel in your breeder you dont need to have gravel in there but again each to their own, its just the bottom of the breeder is where old food and waste escapes and keeps the breeder a bit healthier so again im not patrnising! hope this helps a little :D
Not having gravel in the bottom of my breeder is how I've just lost all my fry. They escaped out the bottom of it and got eaten I think as I cannot see any of them anymore.. so I'd advise to keeping the gravel in there.
the slits at the bottom should be too fine for even a baby to get though, mine are any how

the fry were swmming through the holes in the bottom where the water comes through so i had to put gravel in
oh right in that case im sorry, i didnt think they made them with slits that big but i guess it also goes on how big the fry are, how is it going with the fry so far final_maxim
only 3 left that i can see :(

theres no other fish in the tank, filters on lowest settings, feeding them loads, dunno whats happened to them :\

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