Help: Fry Keep Getting Eaten


Fish Fanatic
Sep 17, 2006
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I had a molly give birth recently, in the evening she was big with a gravid spot and in the morning she had given birth, but no sign of fry. My tank has an ocean of java moss and I thought some might be hiding, but I didnt' see any. I was hoping some would show up later in the day but none did. For a while I clung to the hope that a few survivors might make it, but its three weeks later and no fry. I had to face facts- they were lunch for my fishes.

Well, my other molly is now pregnant, and I want this time to be different. IS there any way to know exactly when the fish is going to give birth so I can scoop up the babies and put them in the breeder net? I want to at least be able to save a few. I want to get another tank as a fry tank but with Christmas coming up I don't have the extra funds to buy a tank and stand and all that stuff right now. SO in the interum (sp) does anyone have any advice for me? I tried putting two of my pregnant mollies and one of my pregnant platys in the breeding net before they gave birth, but all three miscarried. I guess they can't take the stress of being confined. So that's out.

The problem is, if they give birth in the middle of the night, how can I save the fry? Maybe if I look REALLY carefully in the java moss in the morning? Right now it is anchored down on the side of the tank. Should I spread the moss over the bottom, let it float on the top, or keep it where it is?

As for my fish I have the two female mollies, one male and three female platys, 5 neon tetras, 5 black skirt tertras, a few ottos and four gold barbs. The tank is 29 gallons, so I am about where I should be in terms of fish. I have friends who want my babiy ones if I can raise them. I think its my gold barbs eating the fry, because they are little terrors and will eat absolutely anything they can fit in their mouths.

Any advice would be appreciated!
wellll....i think you should put more plants in for the fry. it increases the rate of fry that will survive. my fry kept on getting eaten too, but when i put more rocks and hiding helped. :D
I don't know ....there is A LOT of java moss. It takes up nearly one fifth of the tank. And two of those plastic bushy 'baby savers' I ordered from Petsmart online.....big bushy fake plants that are supposed to keep babies from getting eaten. Besides the java moss, what kinds of plants or fake plants can I add?
I don't know ....there is A LOT of java moss. It takes up nearly one fifth of the tank. And two of those plastic bushy 'baby savers' I ordered from Petsmart online.....big bushy fake plants that are supposed to keep babies from getting eaten. Besides the java moss, what kinds of plants or fake plants can I add? my opinion, i dont like real plants..i like fake ones. could buy cheap fakes one like i did and just let them float around in your tank. OR you could just put ur prego fish into another tank.

im have a prego platy right now but im just letting her stay in her tank and let nature take its course. i put a lot of rocks and fake plants so the baby fry would have a 80% change of living.
I normally plant some plants at one corner of my community tank for the female to give birth and for fry to hide. I will choose the taller plant with more leaves. At the middle of my tank I will plant some shorter plants with more leaves with a big drift wood to create extra space for fry to hide. The bottom of the tank I will add some stones and marbles. The combination of these things if sufficient to keep some fry alive. :)

Hope this help...

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