Help Egg Alert!

Hi Debbie + Cory_Dad,

No, I took the net trap out of the tank and took it to pieces in a bucket of tank water - not a thing in sight. Such a disappointment after having two spawnings within six weeks of buying them (they obviously like their new home). If I'd used a plastic trap, they'd have been much too small for the slots so I thought the net trap would be perfect. I could have used a plastic tub of some kind, but I wanted to have some water flow through the net. Hopefully next time...........
I feel your pain.

My second last spawn was a dud and it looks like this last one will also be a dud. I don't think any of the eggs were fertilized. That worries me because the first 2 spawns were excellent.

As they say, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

Good luck.
I just lost 20-29 albino fry. At just 1 day old i found the net had a hole in it >.>
Its ok really, they might have made it into the gravel, if they did some should make it :)
Its ok really, they might have made it into the gravel, if they did some should make it :)

I will cross fingers for you :good:

And I will also keep my fingers crossed for you, I am having no bother at all with eggs, infact quite the opposite...I now have more....there is some hidden behind a cave and they are definately going beige in I may sneak them into the bag that I give you :lol: :lol: :lol:
Another 29 eggs on a filter last night :)

Wish my pandas would loosen up a bit, there getting overzelous and squashing the eggs that there laying atm >.> Out of 10 last night i think only 1 has made it :(

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