Help Determining Betta's Gender


New Member
Sep 17, 2013
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Hey folks!
I'm quite new to these forums and I just adopted two young bettas from a friend who no longer could care for them.  He bought them from Petco in the "baby betta" cups (which I've come to understand is highly looked down upon by many people through a little research).  I have since moved each into a separate 5 gallon aquarium with filter and heater.  I was just wondering, could anyone tell me what their genders are just yet?  I am rooting for males, but I think I'm too new at this and the bettas are still too young for it to be terribly obvious to me.  Sorry the pictures couldn't be posted directly!  They were too large.  The first 2 pictures are of the same betta and the third picture is of the other one (sorry that one's picture is horribly quality, I'll try to do better).,gYNOeso,E1dmYQ8,gYNOeso,E1dmYQ8#1,gYNOeso,E1dmYQ8#2
Thank you, much, in advance!  
These are quite young fish, and on the strength of the length of the pectoral fins, I would have to say probably male. keep them apart anyway until you can be totally sure.
They both appear to be male veiltails (VT) to me.  The ventral fins and anal fin being so long on both of them combined with the overall body shape all point to male.
Would love if you could come back and post pics of them when they get older. They're very pretty :)
Ninjouzata said:
Would love if you could come back and post pics of them when they get older. They're very pretty
hi everyone can anyone help with betta gender as shown on my profile pic thats my new betta but i cant tell the gender was sold as female but it builds bubble nest and also i cant see the white egg
hi everyone can anyone help with betta gender as shown on my profile pic thats my new betta but i cant tell the gender was sold as female but it builds bubble nest and also i cant see the white egg

Just by seeing the beard when your betta is flaring it's a male. Looks like a plakat (short finned) so lucky you! I personally love plakats and I bet you got yours fairly cheap if it was sold as a female.
Thank you so much for raking the time to help me yes i paid 11 dollars for it i try breeding them and i knew right away because of the behavior something was not right but thank you once again

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