Help Clown Loach Died


Fish Fanatic
Oct 23, 2005
Reaction score
Seattle, Washington, US
I have a 55 gallon tank, that I have had for 2 weeks. Please refer to my sig for fish types. One of three clown loaches has died. It was breathing fast and hanging out on its own, not eating. The other fish seem fine.

I took the parameters this am (the loach was alive last night). The temp is 76 F (23.9 C), the pH has increased to 7.6 or 7.8. The Ammonia level is 0 ppm, the nitrite level is 0-25 ppm, the nitrate however is almost 80 ppm.

How do I correct this? I do not want any other fish to die.

Thank you
Wow you have alot of fish if your tank is cycling, and only been set up two weeks, that why they are dying i'm afraid, you do no that the bala sharks eventually need a 120gal tank, and the clown loaches a 90gal tank, i would preform a water change to fetch your nitrite reading down.
well, I'd do a 30-50% change if I were you. nitrasorb wont really help, its the nitrites that are the problem not nitrates. get your nitrite level down as close to zero as you can and do daily 20% changes to help remove some of the toxins
Where is the nitrate coming from? Is this the fact that it is a new tank? Is it the recent death? Is the pH to high, last week it was around 7.2 - 7.4?

Thanks for your help
nitrites and nitrates are the result of bacteria processing ammonia from fish waste and uneaten food. first one type of bacteria converts ammonia to nitrite. then a second type converts nitrite to nitrate. ammonia and nitrite are toxic to fish in just about any concentration. nitrates are only toxic well up and over 100ppm. the only way to get rid of ammonia and nitrites is to wait for the bacteria colonies to grow naturally. the larger they grow, the more they can eat and get rid of in your tank. Until then you have to do water changes to remove some of the nitrite that your bacteria cant yet eat.

nitrites will also somewhat interfere with your nitrate test kit causing it to read higher than whats actually in the tank. dont worry about the nitrates for now, you'll be doing so many water changes to eliminate nitrites that it wont get high.

The ph is unstable as the tank been cycling, i would go by your tap ph.

What exactly is the cycling process, is there a link where I can read about it. I think it is not what I thought it was. Is it just the process where bacteria and algae grow in a new tank to equilibrate all the chemical processes when fist filled with water and fish?
Sorry about your Loach, i have 4 they are my fav :wub:

It has probably died due to your tank still cycling im afraid...

I wouldnt put any chemicals in though, your fish will get used to your ph levels dont worry, and do frequent water changes EVERY day, esepcially whilst you are cycling with fish.

I didnt think Clown Loaches, and sharks were good fish to cycle with :/ I hope they all survive :)

C x :*
As fish go they DO get on good together, however it sounds like bad advice from your lfs, maybe they should have given you some hardier fish to cycle with, or at least explained the cycle process, as you can do this without fish in there.....

Hope everything will be ok :)

C x :*
As fish go they DO get on good together, however it sounds like bad advice from your lfs, maybe they should have given you some hardier fish to cycle with, or at least explained the cycle process, as you can do this without fish in there.....

Hope everything will be ok :)

C x :*

How much water should I change?
Is the temperature change from tap water from the change going to be shocking?
I would take out 25% every day, till your tank is cycled, and Ammonia, Nitrite are at 0, make sure the water you put back in you add dechlorinator.

What i do to get back to temp is, put around 3/4 cold water in a 10l bucket, then fill rest up with warm water....

Good Luck

C x :*

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