Help Choosing A Fish


Fish Fanatic
Apr 30, 2011
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england (southend)
im gunna try and make this more simple than i would usually... ;)

My tank:
40L - open top - VERY hard water - fine sub - unheated

what fish (one or more)
could be my feature fish?
now... when i say 'feature fish', it doesnt have to be the only one...ect
but basically, i'd just like to know what i could get in my tank... just in general B-)

so far i'm aware of goldfish, the usual livebearers...ect
but just a nice point in the right direction...? :D

cheers guys,

also, the tank CANT have a lid for now... (not sure how much that matters) and i can't change the hardness of the water :/
It's not nearly big enough for a goldfish so rule that out. At 40 litres it's not really large enough for much at all, especially cool water fish.

Any reason you can't add a heater at least? That'd widen your options. And a condensation tray or sheet of perspex for a lid? You risk things jumping out otherwise.
In a 40l you could possibly have white cloud mountain minnows but that's about it. It's even too small for danios really. Plus WCCMs still need the temperature about 15 degrees or so, so without a heater in England in the winter I'd bet your tank will get colder than that overnight.
Depending on what you are calling "very hard water" and its pH, a pair or trio of a small Tanganyikan shell dweller species could work in a 40l.
-1 for white clouds. They like lots of open swimming space and current, and get larger than you might think.

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