Help! Angelfish Acting Weird!

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Fish Fanatic
Feb 7, 2015
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So I did my weekly water change and vacuum today. My marbled angelfish was acting great before I did it and now he's just hanging out at the bottom. Looks very stressed out.
Followed the rules to a t as far as water changes goes.
Did about 20% vacuumed too.
Made sure I had the temperature exact and added conditioner to my tap water. Is possibly because it's a different brand of conditioner?? Or is just a little stressed out from the water change??
Please help!
I actually noticed he swallowed a small piece of algae wafer. Now he looks really full!! Is he going to be ok?? His tummy hasn't been this full Ever! Is this what it could be??
when they are young they tend to look like they're going to burst after they've eaten. Keep an eye on things and any sign of white stringy poo then worry. If you see this then you need to consider they may have hexamita - something that seems to be common in angelfish. Hopefully it won't come to that though.
Just keep an eye on them and the water stats and keep me posted. I'll keep an eye open for you 
I did notice both angelfish pooped white during the water change but went back to brown is that just a stress sign??
They both are kind of acting like thiS. They are also at the bottom doing what looks like bottom feeding. Like they're looking for food??
I'm so confused right now. All the other fish are acting great. The little angelfish acting more normal then the big one though. Both had white poo during the water change but went back to brown afterwards.
Here's a couple pictures. When he came up to the surface a little I noted what looked like a clear stringy tube coming out. Has been there for abut an hour. Could he be trying to poop??
You have to look really hard it the picture.


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Here's another picture. Of what's coming out.
Looks like gentiles but the stringy thing isn't normal.



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ahhh ... I hope I'm wrong but this could be hexamita. Hexamita is a bacteria that lives in fishes guts and in general it's harmless but for some reason sometimes is goes 'wrong' (forgive me I'm not good with words) and multiplies and the end result is death.
Are they still eating?
Yeah he's still eating. A ton too. He seems to be coming to the surface a little more now. And he just had another bowel movement and it looks brown. I don't know if the algae wafer sat well with him. Or he ate too much. He threw some up a few mins ago. He has all his color, seems to be swimming normally (except he hangs out at the bottom), eats just fine. I have no idea. Should I get some parisite food just in case?? Will it hurt them if they don't have parisites??
I'm struggling to know what to suggest as what's available here in the u.k and what you have available in the states is totally different. I seem to remember that in the states there is a medicated fish food available that can used for hexamita and other internal bacterial problems.
One thing you can do is soak some fish food in epsom salt - don't add it to the tank - make up a mixture of epsom salt and water in a jug and dunk the food in a few times and then feed the fish the food. This is why I asked if he's still eating. If he's eating we're okay.
What I need is someone from the States to help me as I don't know what more to suggest. I just hope I'm totally jumping to conclusions  
I do believe there are medicated parisite fish food. I've seen them in local fish stores. It won't hurt to try this right?? I will also try the salt trick. Would never add salt to the tank don't worry.
it won't hurt them no as these bacteria (hex is a bacteria not a parasite) live in their guts naturally but for some reason it goes bad and starts multiplying and it eventually kills the fish - the first thing is they stop eating and then the stringy poo and then ... well, death :(
From time to time I see my angels pass white poop but it's thick white poop and not thin and stringy - the stringy stuff looks like they are passing thin white thread. If it doesn't look like that and they're eating and arn't looking lethargic then they've probably made pigs of themselves and are feeling over full. Mine did it a lot when they were young
Well he keeps pooping and it's very thick and brown (creamy brown). I think he just ate way too much. No more white stringy poop. Seems to be starting to act normally. I'm just going to keep an eye on him and his poop tonight and if I see any more white stingy poop I'll go get some parisite food.
Thanks so much!!
do you have access to the Waterlife products in America?
Im not sure. I'd have to go and see. We might. If we do are you recommending a product?
yes, Waterlife Octozin. It contains an anti-biotic and I used it to treat my lot for Hexamita

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