Fish Addict
I also agree with what everyone's said about the tanks' size. I would only use a 10G for a breeding tank, and not a living-in tank for the Kribs.
As for the male being harassed by the female. Its because he's smaller and very unlikely to be of breeding interest to her. You'll need to find the most dominant, and largest, male possible from your LFSs' tanks'. This'll most likely help you in your breeding programme, if you decide to go down that route.
Anyhow, it's your tank and decision, so good luck.
As for the male being harassed by the female. Its because he's smaller and very unlikely to be of breeding interest to her. You'll need to find the most dominant, and largest, male possible from your LFSs' tanks'. This'll most likely help you in your breeding programme, if you decide to go down that route.
Anyhow, it's your tank and decision, so good luck.