Help! About 250ml Of Water Onto My Laptop

yes check your home insurance for coverage, my insurance has a section to cover all electrical item's :good:
My friend once got annoyed with his laptop and threw it out the window<obviously did not fair well....he claimed and got a brand new machine
Don't use a hairdryer on the insides for another reason, air (warm or cold) running accross it will cause static electricity and if still wet will short things

Just be patient for the next few days and don't keep trying it every 20 mins lol

RO water should not have had any effect as water itself is inert as said above it is the impurities that cause the harm. Problem you have got is those adapters are normally about 18 volts or so and if your spillage carried that to mostly any other part of the laptop then yes it could have caused permanent damage :(

Might not be a bad idea to remove any cmos battery present and try to get to the motherboard to allow you to see where the water has got to.

If you do pull the laptop apart make sure you are aware of static mate people underestimate it so much!

I have given mobile phones IPA baths before and brought them back to life so that is a possibility if all else fails. Get Isopropyl from your local old fashioned style chemist.

edit to add - sometime you get little surface mount fuses on mobos so that might have failed they can be difficult buggers to find and may be soldered to the board and look like a resistor or cap but definately worth looking for if non of the above work!
I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this yet or not but when i got water on my cell phone i put it in a cup of uncooked white rice and that solved the problem. I was able to use my phone the next day. Good luck!

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