
I'll have to try that some time.

The remaining fish as of now are:

2 x Silver Shark
2 x Clown Loach
2 x Bronze Cory
1 x Gibbiceps
1 x Siamese Fighter
4 x Guppy (M)
3 x Balloon Molly (1M/2F)
3 x Swordtail (1M/2F)
4 x Glowlight Tetra
1 x Betta
1 x Apple Snail
1 x Glass Catfish

At the moment I'm doing two 10% water changes a day, as this seems to temporarily stop the fish gasping at the suface. I aim to get the water tested at the pet store at every opportunity. I'll bring numbers once this happens.

I am planning to move the Balloon Mollies into a smaller tank of their own so they can breed in peace, it's just getting hold of a decent (And affordable) extra setup. I do have a smaller tank w/pump and heater, but with no lights, and nothing to attatch lights to.

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