Thanks for the welcomes !!! Freedom fighter , my "inheritance " ? The 4ft tank has a single Angel ,a Sailfin plecostomus (spelling ?) ,4 neon and 3 glowlight tetras,two platys and a bunch of little snails that burrow in the gravel... this one has an undergravel filter and various moss-balls,willow moss and floating plants,so all I have needed to do is partial water-changes every week (and a quick daily "hoovering" of the plec s overnight mess !!)Jake also left me with two other tanks ,complete with filters and all the goldfish he wants me to look after untill he has time to put a pond in at his new place,cheeky or what ? These seem to be OK for now,but I do change about half of their water twice a week -be glad when their new home is ready ,cant feel right to them to be back in a tank !!