Hello From N Ireland

Betta's are quite a lazy fish.
What are the other tank mates?
I keep my betta in a tank of his own.
Betta's are quite a lazy fish.
What are the other tank mates?
I keep my betta in a tank of his own.

So far 1 Betta, 5 Platys, 5 Algae Shrimp, 4 Harlequins & 6 Cardinals.

If they do ok might beef up the Cardinal & Harlequin numbers near Christmas.
Betta's are quite a lazy fish.
What are the other tank mates?
I keep my betta in a tank of his own.

Alas, my Betta past on...no obvious sign of cause although two of the harequins went the same way.

All very puzzling...although after some detective work I discovered that both the Betta & the harlequins came from the same pet store.

As all my other fish appear healthy and the various tests of the water i.e. pH, ammonia, nitrite & nitrate are all remaining within acceptable ranges...testing every three days...I can only put this down to stress of transportation and new environment.

Hope to have via post some floating plants, which will provide some additional cover at the top region of the tank by the end of the week.

What size of a tank do you keep your Betta in?
Can you drop a hint as to the LFS as I may have shopped there.
Large well known pet store as found located in and around supermarket...should have known better...but fish looked ok
If possible...better to buy from other fish keepers or small local pet shop who depend on keeping their good reputation.
When i do buy more fish i`ll be going to Lisburn specialist...well worth the travel.
Im staying away from seaside resorts.
The one in Lisburn isn't too bad. I find them very over priced with their cichlids though. £30-£35 for a green severum. :crazy:
Anyone tried jungle world in Ballymena? He's very good, limited stock as he does monkeys, snakes, frogs, aligators etc. He will order in what you want though if he can. Not pricey really either.

In answer to your question Old Betta, I keep my male in a 40 litre, beside the window in the kitchen. It was originally a female betta tank but my girlfriend "surprised" me and added a male, she didn't mention it to me and by the time I'd noticed he was breeding with a female the next morning.
Its a very low tech set up, I don't even have a light but lots of plants although I may get a light now as the days are not as bright so I'm obviously not getting as much sunlight to grow the plants.

Sorry about your betta. What were the exact water readings?
That's some distance to travel micko.

LOL, had to google Doire.
its not far Mark, well, i don't think so anyway. I would often travel up to Lisburn or Belfast from my direction for fish.
Yep the problem with google is the user. I'm getting county Cork, Kerry and Derry.
The one in Lisburn isn't too bad. I find them very over priced with their cichlids though. £30-£35 for a green severum. :crazy:
Anyone tried jungle world in Ballymena? He's very good, limited stock as he does monkeys, snakes, frogs, aligators etc. He will order in what you want though if he can. Not pricey really either.

In answer to your question Old Betta, I keep my male in a 40 litre, beside the window in the kitchen. It was originally a female betta tank but my girlfriend "surprised" me and added a male, she didn't mention it to me and by the time I'd noticed he was breeding with a female the next morning.
Its a very low tech set up, I don't even have a light but lots of plants although I may get a light now as the days are not as bright so I'm obviously not getting as much sunlight to grow the plants.

Sorry about your betta. What were the exact water readings?

6.8 ph; 0.25 ppm ammonia; 0.00 ppm nitrite; 20 ppm nitrate; 24 C temperature.

The blimp in the ammonia reading I have put down to overfeeding.

I know that various Forums & Books will quote my temperature as being within range or to the lower end for Bettas.

Like everything everyone has different views on this.
Turning into a proper little Norn Iron section here guys... :lol:
I reside just outside Lisburn
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