Hello From China. Pls See My Fish!

Good lookning fish mate there is a few of us aro/ray oddballers on here good to see some more. Fish are looking good mate what size is your RTG and Pulcher.

I am sorry . would you please tell what is the RTG and pulcher?

RTG = Red tail gold arowana
pulcher = ST = siamese tiger fish dat,pucher

they are not my fish welcome to the forum

the gravel you have your ray/motoro on is way to big and sharp i would change it

the tigers are very nice and stable

why is it way too big? if he has kept his ray with those pebbles and it is still alive then he should keep it. yeah you would change it, but you're just someone who doesn't seem to think. if he saw it was a problem then he would have changed it.

anyway nice fish underworld :) are fishes in china expensive?
Don't worry about it, some people take things a bit too literally, text based communication misses out most of the "communication", hence you can read it the wrong way and get offended by things that weren't meant to offend.

Welcome to the forums, nice fish you have there. :)
I am surprised that few persons here are not very patient, especially to a foreign people just come to the forum,
whosemother tongue is not English. In different country, the same fish always be named differently. It's not
a grotesquerie.

I am not a newbie because I have been pisciculture for more than sever years. Whereas , I am sorry that
I am not sure about their English name even their abbreviate name in the forum, such as RTG. I want to
get to know more friends here who love tropical fish. Followed is another pic of my tank. If someone still doubt,
I can show him as much as he want or let see my tank through the PC camera.

Welcome again! beautiful fish, by the way.

you will find, forum using fishkeepers, can be a cynical at times. come to that some can be plain rude. however on the whole we are a welcoming and friendly mob. i really hope we each may learn something, which after all is why we us forums. nice to see you, i look forward to your posts.
Good lookning fish mate there is a few of us aro/ray oddballers on here good to see some more. Fish are looking good mate what size is your RTG and Pulcher.

I am sorry . would you please tell what is the RTG and pulcher?

RTG = Red tail gold arowana
pulcher = ST = siamese tiger fish dat,pucher

they are not my fish welcome to the forum

the gravel you have your ray/motoro on is way to big and sharp i would change it

the tigers are very nice and stable

why is it way too big? if he has kept his ray with those pebbles and it is still alive then he should keep it. yeah you would change it, but you're just someone who doesn't seem to think. if he saw it was a problem then he would have changed it.

anyway nice fish underworld :) are fishes in china expensive?

look i cant stand you and you cant stand me so dont coment on my post when all i was doing was HELPI the guy understand the english terms for the fish he posted

just because the ray is alive on that substrate doesnt mean its happy of course you would know that being one of the only breeders of p14 sting rays in the UK ooops sorry i was talking about myself

how long have you been keeping rays for longer than 15yrs well thats how long i have had rays

i look forward to the great advice you are going to give on rays as you seam to know much more than me

i post on asian forums all the time so have no problem with the names of fish

the tiger are normally called ST as stated above

but for some reason you still feel the need to dig at me because you brought a crap tetra filter

i try to make any non english people welcome just like they make me feel welcome when i vist their forums
Good lookning fish mate there is a few of us aro/ray oddballers on here good to see some more. Fish are looking good mate what size is your RTG and Pulcher.

I am sorry . would you please tell what is the RTG and pulcher?

RTG = Red tail gold arowana
pulcher = ST = siamese tiger fish dat,pucher

they are not my fish welcome to the forum

the gravel you have your ray/motoro on is way to big and sharp i would change it

the tigers are very nice and stable

why is it way too big? if he has kept his ray with those pebbles and it is still alive then he should keep it. yeah you would change it, but you're just someone who doesn't seem to think. if he saw it was a problem then he would have changed it.

anyway nice fish underworld :) are fishes in china expensive?

look i cant stand you and you cant stand me so dont coment on my post when all i was doing was HELPI the guy understand the english terms for the fish he posted

just because the ray is alive on that substrate doesnt mean its happy of course you would know that being one of the only breeders of p14 sting rays in the UK ooops sorry i was talking about myself

how long have you been keeping rays for longer than 15yrs well thats how long i have had rays

i look forward to the great advice you are going to give on rays as you seam to know much more than me

i post on asian forums all the time so have no problem with the names of fish

the tiger are normally called ST as stated above

but for some reason you still feel the need to dig at me because you brought a crap tetra filter

i try to make any non english people welcome just like they make me feel welcome when i vist their forums

from a picture you can see that his gravel is way too sharp? wow you must have some 20/20 vision to detect something being sharp. also wow you must be dr doolittle with your fishes if that means that you can tell if rays are unhappy with the gravel. did your ray whisper to you "hey mr tikarman your gravel is too sharp and i don't like it" ?

being able to breed rays is good. i am not gonna put you down for that, but you are an arrogant person and i generally think of arrogant people as small people.

for all you know his ray could be very happy with the gravel. if you have any scientific facts that it is bad for him them please discus.
Welcome to TFF! :good: Nice tanks & fish, it will be interesting to see the selection of fish & equipment from that part of the world.
even if the gravel is not sharp i still wouldnt use it with my rays
it prevents the ray from blowing and digging around
isnt it also difficult to gravel vac and keep clean?
Good lookning fish mate there is a few of us aro/ray oddballers on here good to see some more. Fish are looking good mate what size is your RTG and Pulcher.

I am sorry . would you please tell what is the RTG and pulcher?

RTG = Red tail gold arowana
pulcher = ST = siamese tiger fish dat,pucher

they are not my fish welcome to the forum

the gravel you have your ray/motoro on is way to big and sharp i would change it

the tigers are very nice and stable

why is it way too big? if he has kept his ray with those pebbles and it is still alive then he should keep it. yeah you would change it, but you're just someone who doesn't seem to think. if he saw it was a problem then he would have changed it.

anyway nice fish underworld :) are fishes in china expensive?

look i cant stand you and you cant stand me so dont coment on my post when all i was doing was HELPI the guy understand the english terms for the fish he posted

just because the ray is alive on that substrate doesnt mean its happy of course you would know that being one of the only breeders of p14 sting rays in the UK ooops sorry i was talking about myself

how long have you been keeping rays for longer than 15yrs well thats how long i have had rays

i look forward to the great advice you are going to give on rays as you seam to know much more than me

i post on asian forums all the time so have no problem with the names of fish

the tiger are normally called ST as stated above

but for some reason you still feel the need to dig at me because you brought a crap tetra filter

i try to make any non english people welcome just like they make me feel welcome when i vist their forums

from a picture you can see that his gravel is way too sharp? wow you must have some 20/20 vision to detect something being sharp. also wow you must be dr doolittle with your fishes if that means that you can tell if rays are unhappy with the gravel. did your ray whisper to you "hey mr tikarman your gravel is too sharp and i don't like it" ?

being able to breed rays is good. i am not gonna put you down for that, but you are an arrogant person and i generally think of arrogant people as small people.

for all you know his ray could be very happy with the gravel. if you have any scientific facts that it is bad for him them please discus.

im arrogant because im dam good at the fish i keep and yes i can tell from the pic the gravel is to big and sharp

maybe if you had kept and bred p14 you would be able to tell from a pic to that its to big

sand or a fine pebble gravel is what rays do best on they chould live on a pile of glass but would they be happy you know best

im not going to get into another slagging match with you

i am dam good at the fish i keep aros , rays , flagtail tigers tigrinus cat basicaly 90% of the fish in underworlds tank

do you even have 1 of the fish in his tank which i have been keeping for more than 10yrs rays 15yr

you call it arrogant i call it knowing what you are doing
I think it's time to play nice on Christmas before toys get taken away.

One thing an experienced aquarist learns is that there are differing methods of keeping and maintaing fish and equipment. Often there is no absolute right way.
nice aro, i wish i could have one like that. Let alone have a tank that big :p
Good lookning fish mate there is a few of us aro/ray oddballers on here good to see some more. Fish are looking good mate what size is your RTG and Pulcher.

I am sorry . would you please tell what is the RTG and pulcher?

RTG = Red tail gold arowana
pulcher = ST = siamese tiger fish dat,pucher

they are not my fish welcome to the forum

the gravel you have your ray/motoro on is way to big and sharp i would change it

the tigers are very nice and stable

why is it way too big? if he has kept his ray with those pebbles and it is still alive then he should keep it. yeah you would change it, but you're just someone who doesn't seem to think. if he saw it was a problem then he would have changed it.

anyway nice fish underworld :) are fishes in china expensive?

look i cant stand you and you cant stand me so dont coment on my post when all i was doing was HELPI the guy understand the english terms for the fish he posted

just because the ray is alive on that substrate doesnt mean its happy of course you would know that being one of the only breeders of p14 sting rays in the UK ooops sorry i was talking about myself

how long have you been keeping rays for longer than 15yrs well thats how long i have had rays

i look forward to the great advice you are going to give on rays as you seam to know much more than me

i post on asian forums all the time so have no problem with the names of fish

the tiger are normally called ST as stated above

but for some reason you still feel the need to dig at me because you brought a crap tetra filter

i try to make any non english people welcome just like they make me feel welcome when i vist their forums

from a picture you can see that his gravel is way too sharp? wow you must have some 20/20 vision to detect something being sharp. also wow you must be dr doolittle with your fishes if that means that you can tell if rays are unhappy with the gravel. did your ray whisper to you "hey mr tikarman your gravel is too sharp and i don't like it" ?

being able to breed rays is good. i am not gonna put you down for that, but you are an arrogant person and i generally think of arrogant people as small people.

for all you know his ray could be very happy with the gravel. if you have any scientific facts that it is bad for him them please discus.

im arrogant because im dam good at the fish i keep and yes i can tell from the pic the gravel is to big and sharp

maybe if you had kept and bred p14 you would be able to tell from a pic to that its to big

sand or a fine pebble gravel is what rays do best on they chould live on a pile of glass but would they be happy you know best

im not going to get into another slagging match with you

i am dam good at the fish i keep aros , rays , flagtail tigers tigrinus cat basicaly 90% of the fish in underworlds tank

do you even have 1 of the fish in his tank which i have been keeping for more than 10yrs rays 15yr

you call it arrogant i call it knowing what you are doing

you don't need 15 years of experience to see that his ray is fine in the gravel that he has. is his ray dead or not? mr poolittle
Welcome to the forum underworld...those are some very nice fish....Someday I would love to get the same set-up as my place won't allow me to have bigger tanks for those beast....BTW how big is that tank....If you could provide measurements that would be awesome.....
Good lookning fish mate there is a few of us aro/ray oddballers on here good to see some more. Fish are looking good mate what size is your RTG and Pulcher.

I am sorry . would you please tell what is the RTG and pulcher?

RTG = Red tail gold arowana
pulcher = ST = siamese tiger fish dat,pucher

they are not my fish welcome to the forum

the gravel you have your ray/motoro on is way to big and sharp i would change it

the tigers are very nice and stable

why is it way too big? if he has kept his ray with those pebbles and it is still alive then he should keep it. yeah you would change it, but you're just someone who doesn't seem to think. if he saw it was a problem then he would have changed it.

anyway nice fish underworld :) are fishes in china expensive?

I am surprised that few persons here are not very patient, especially to a foreign people just come to the forum,
whosemother tongue is not English. In different country, the same fish always be named differently. It's not
a grotesquerie.

I am not a newbie because I have been pisciculture for more than sever years. Whereas , I am sorry that
I am not sure about their English name even their abbreviate name in the forum, such as RTG. I want to
get to know more friends here who love tropical fish. Followed is another pic of my tank. If someone still doubt,
I can show him as much as he want or let see my tank through the PC camera.

Welcome again! beautiful fish, by the way.

you will find, forum using fishkeepers, can be a cynical at times. come to that some can be plain rude. however on the whole we are a welcoming and friendly mob. i really hope we each may learn something, which after all is why we us forums. nice to see you, i look forward to your posts.

Thanks to the friends here. Nice to meet you too.
The normal fish are not evry expensive in China, but price of a few species is very high ,such as blood red arowanas , gold back arowanas et al. The American silver arowanas is only about 10 us$ here.

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