New Member
I have been lurking here for a while and decided to finally speak up and introduce myself.
My name is Al and I live in Waterloo Region which is an hour west of Toronto, Ontario. I can drive an hour in almost any direction (except east as that is an 26 hour drive through 3 provinces to the Atlantic)and hit the beaches of our Great Lakes.
I am an honourary member of the Kitchener Waterloo Aquarium Society ( which means I have been around for a long, long time! Consider me an advanced novice aquarist. I have been the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer of our club and have held almost every BOD position. I joined KWAS in 1979 and have been an active member ever since. It is the lifelong friendships that inspire me to remain working at the business end of the club.
I have a 72 gallon planted aquarium with livebearers, corys, aspidoras, SAE's and P. subocellatus upstairs as my show tank. I have a dedicated fishroom in the basement where I keep mainly killies, livebearers, corys and some West African cichlids. The fishroom consists of 20 aquariums ranging from 10 gallon to 75 gallon.
Nice to be in a world wide forum. I am a Co-Administrator or our clubs forum under the name 'pyro', I am also a member of the Canadian Aquarium Connection forum.
I hope to strike up some new fishy friends and learn and perhaps share some experiences.
Nice to meet you all!
My name is Al and I live in Waterloo Region which is an hour west of Toronto, Ontario. I can drive an hour in almost any direction (except east as that is an 26 hour drive through 3 provinces to the Atlantic)and hit the beaches of our Great Lakes.
I am an honourary member of the Kitchener Waterloo Aquarium Society ( which means I have been around for a long, long time! Consider me an advanced novice aquarist. I have been the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer of our club and have held almost every BOD position. I joined KWAS in 1979 and have been an active member ever since. It is the lifelong friendships that inspire me to remain working at the business end of the club.
I have a 72 gallon planted aquarium with livebearers, corys, aspidoras, SAE's and P. subocellatus upstairs as my show tank. I have a dedicated fishroom in the basement where I keep mainly killies, livebearers, corys and some West African cichlids. The fishroom consists of 20 aquariums ranging from 10 gallon to 75 gallon.
Nice to be in a world wide forum. I am a Co-Administrator or our clubs forum under the name 'pyro', I am also a member of the Canadian Aquarium Connection forum.
I hope to strike up some new fishy friends and learn and perhaps share some experiences.
Nice to meet you all!