Hello Friends

Hi All,

Good afternoon from the UK.

The tank set up went well, apart from the cupboard doors on the cabinet. I really am useless at hanging doors!

I added Seachem Prime to the water last night. I carried out a water test this morning and the results were as follows:

pH: 7.6
High Range pH: 7.4
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 40

I have added a few flakes of food to help with the fishless cycle.

Inside the tank is a 30cm piece of driftwood.

I am waiting on delivery of my live plants and black lava rock. I underestimated how large the tank actually is, so I'm now thinking of adding another large piece of driftwood and more live plants to the tank.

I will update you once again as soon as the live plants and black lava rock arrive.

Thanks for reading :)

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Hello and welcome :)
I recommend waiting to see which plants do well to save money on buying more now. You might find some are not happy in your water whilst others soon spread and fill the tank.
Also a warning with the algae magnet - they scratch the glass if sand gets on them but they're fine if you just use the in tank part because you then feel any trapped sand.
Hello and welcome :)
I recommend waiting to see which plants do well to save money on buying more now. You might find some are not happy in your water whilst others soon spread and fill the tank.
Also a warning with the algae magnet - they scratch the glass if sand gets on them but they're fine if you just use the in tank part because you then feel any trapped sand.
Thanks for the advice, I do agree with you. The plants that I’ve bought are all ‘easy’ and ‘beginner’ plants. So I’m hopeful that they’ll take to the tank well.

I didn’t think of that, thank you. I’ll make sure I’m wary.
Most “beginner” plants are actually very hard to kill, sort of like a cactus.

You definitely won’t regret getting Anacharis.
Hello, nice looking tank. I started out with Java Ferns and floating plants like anacharis which worked well for me.
Looks like you have some anacharis, that is one of my favorite plants. I have some that is around 3 feet tall and I let it bend at the surface to give shade to my tetras. You can let it float too and when it gets too long just snap it in two and plant both ends.

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