Hello fish friends!


New Member
Sep 14, 2020
Reaction score
Sacramento, California
Hello everyone, my name is Brian and I’ve been addicted to fish for the last 3 years. I started off with a 100 gal community tank filled with live plants, Angels, various Tetras, Plecos, catfish, and one fish that’s shocked me once I was cleaning, can’t recall the name.... After a couple years of enjoyment I wanted to dive deeper into the hobby. I transferred all my fish to a 60 gallon tank and turned the 100 gallon into an African Cichlid, Malawi Hap/Peacock tank. I am really enjoying the challenge and found a deeper love for the hobby!
Thanks everyone in advanced for helping out and assisting me, apologies for dumb questions now!!


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What a stunning tank sat up! Gorgeous rimless tank, then that beautiful wood and the plants around it, wow! It looks amazing
Hello and welcome to the forum :fish: :hi: :fish:I had a 55 gallon African Cichlid tank years ago, I started with 8 rescues one of my daughters brought home from college. It was a lot of fun watching them at first then they started to have fry and I ended up with over 50 young cichlids in the tank and gave most away. They would rearrange the tank almost daily pushing around the plastic plants. Your tank looks pretty solid so they should not be able to move much. :good:
Hello and welcome to the forum :fish: :hi: :fish:I had a 55 gallon African Cichlid tank years ago, I started with 8 rescues one of my daughters brought home from college. It was a lot of fun watching them at first then they started to have fry and I ended up with over 50 young cichlids in the tank and gave most away. They would rearrange the tank almost daily pushing around the plastic plants. Your tank looks pretty solid so they should not be able to move much. :good:
Wow! 50 little guys! That must’ve been over whelming. Once I feel like I am ready I would love to try and breed them, but I’ll definitely need an exit plan for those guys!
Welcome to the forum
I love the tank stand and background, did you make that yourself? Nice smooth rocks, too!
Hello, I going to be doing a somwehat similiar move, what did you do with your plants when the 100g was a community tank?
Hello, I going to be doing a somwehat similiar move, what did you do with your plants when the 100g was a community tank?
Hey DAnCSF, I ended up transferring some of the plants into the 60 gallon and gave the remaining plants to my brother who ended up setting up a beautiful community tank at his place! Changing my tank to the African Cichlid set up helped me rediscover and deepen my love and enthuasium in the hobby. Much luck to you my friend.
Hi, with african cichlid tanks, I like to build the rocks as high up the back as you can this will create a lot of caves and spaces and will make them more at home. It will also help to take some of the tension out of the tank.
Hi, with african cichlid tanks, I like to build the rocks as high up the back as you can this will create a lot of caves and spaces and will make them more at home. It will also help to take some of the tension out of the tank.
Noted! Thanks. Do you have any recommendations on rocks that stack nicely?
Hello and welcome to the forum :fish: :hi: :fish:I had a 55 gallon African Cichlid tank years ago, I started with 8 rescues one of my daughters brought home from college. It was a lot of fun watching them at first then they started to have fry and I ended up with over 50 young cichlids in the tank and gave most away. They would rearrange the tank almost daily pushing around the plastic plants. Your tank looks pretty solid so they should not be able to move much. :good:
Hello and welcome to the forum :fish: :hi: :fish:I had a 55 gallon African Cichlid tank years ago, I started with 8 rescues one of my daughters brought home from college. It was a lot of fun watching them at first then they started to have fry and I ended up with over 50 young cichlids in the tank and gave most away. They would rearrange the tank almost daily pushing around the plastic plants. Your tank looks pretty solid so they should not be able to move much. :good:
Welp, you called it Retired Viking! I caught my German Red’s getting frisky in the playground, circling each other, flashing, and sort of pecking the ground. The female has secluded herself in a rocky corner and hasn’t eaten since. What would you recommend to a soon to be grand fish daddy?!?

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