Hello fish friends!

I will get told off for this. This is my 100 liter tank that I am raising 25 Electric yellows in. I don't care about the algae, they are happy and it gives them lots of stuff to chew on. You can see how high I have built up the rocks. Every fish will find its own space. As a foot note, we only think a tank needs to be clean, as long as it is a healthy environment the fish don't give a dam.


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Either bad pic or water is too cloudy to really see anything. How heavy are those rocks? I’d be afraid of the weight cracking my tank but I tend to be a worrier. :)
Either bad pic or water is too cloudy to really see anything. How heavy are those rocks? I’d be afraid of the weight cracking my tank but I tend to be a worrier. :)
No, you can build the rocks up to the water line as long as they are stable and you don't live in an earthquake zone
Please don't judge me on this tank, this is a project raising african cichlid fry and is not what I consider a display tank. This is purely about raising the fry in the best conditions for them.
A nice high stack of rocks gives a very natural look. I would add more plants, of there's not much room with rocks then try adding floating plants

@itiwhetu in the evening i turn room lights off and keep tank lights on and take photo with no flash. You'll get a clearer image of tank then with flash startling fish.
A nice high stack of rocks gives a very natural look. I would add more plants, of there's not much room with rocks then try adding floating plants

@itiwhetu in the evening i turn room lights off and keep tank lights on and take photo with no flash. You'll get a clearer image of tank then with flash startling fish.
Yep, the sun shines through the top of the tank, and I wanted to reply to the post. I am sometimes impulsive. Really I should have waited. ;)
Yep, the sun shines through the top of the tank, and I wanted to reply to the post. I am sometimes impulsive. Really I should have waited. ;)

Ah no I'm sure OP appreciates quick reply. I was quite nervous adding my large rock to the tank but thankfully it sit nicely and as yet hadn't cracked the tank :rofl:
Welp, you called it Retired Viking! I caught my German Red’s getting frisky in the playground, circling each other, flashing, and sort of pecking the ground. The female has secluded herself in a rocky corner and hasn’t eaten since. What would you recommend to a soon to be grand fish daddy?!?
Just before my cichlids began breeding they became aggressive and I had to remove all my other fish except a pleco they left alone. They moved all the plastic plants around and dug up the pea gravel. I had a couple of stumps and rocks so I moved them around so there were hiding spots and the chilids took up their own territories. It was a lot of fun to watch and when the fry came I had plenty of plastic fry grass for them to hide in. The parents actually seemed to take good care of the fry. Before I knew it my tank was over crowded with young cichlids. I ended up taking almost everything out of the tank.

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