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Can I use the ammonia method if my snail is still in the tank?

I don't know where to keep him for the cycle process.
I'd put him with your ADF, you don't want him in the tank with the ammonia.
Ninjouzata said:
I'd put him with your ADF, you don't want him in the tank with the ammonia.
 Done! Well's he's on his own container now :)
I'm going to take this slow and easy, going to wait two weeks till the bacteria is set and then add the snail and the frog and then wait another week and get 1-2 other fish and keep adding every week till i'm stocked. 
I'm trying to get me some CFDs or any other Rasboras, called the pet store to see if they can order them and i'm waiting to hear back. 
In the meantime i'm researching the fish you suggested as well as many others that will work with the ADF. 
my brain is swimming! (pun intended) haha
I'll keep you posted, right now the tank is empty, going to research the ammonia and see if I can get it at my hardware store. 
Now Question, i've added this to the tank yesterday and today. So i'm assuming that now that ive been adding live bacteria, they need something to eat and thats where the ammonia kicks in. I've read that article a few times now and I think i'm beginning to understand the method but not the dosage. 
There isn't anything live in the tank so now i can try this method. 
What did you suggest the amount for the first dosage was again?

Thanks again!
There are only a couple of bacterial additives that actually work and your isn't one of them unfortunately, so please don't rely on that to perform miracles. It is highly unlikely you will manage to cycle the tank in 2 weeks unless you use something like Dr Tim's One and Only and even then you have to be sure they can cope with the levels of waste (ammonia first then nitrites) the tank occupants are likely to yield before testing it on live fish.
Sorry to burst your bubble and I do understand your enthusiasm, but in your rush to cycle the tank you may be tempted into taking dangerous short-cuts. Dangerous because most of them don't work unfortunately.
One person says this, another says that.. 
Well, i'm not listening to either.. nor am I spending anymore money on any product or putting household chemicals into my tank.
If this takes me two months to establish this tank, then so be it!
Thank you all for your advice, comments and input but i'm not going to sort through 1 million opinions when they all contradict each other
So I say, Thanks, but no thanks 
Just bear in mind that the places that sell these things are there to make a profit. They will tell you what they have been told to say. That way people new to the hobby make mistakes and go back for either new fish to replace the ones they've lost or treatments because their fish are sick from ammonia poisoning or something similar.
Sometimes they give good advice, but it's difficult for someone who's new to the hobby to sort the wheat from the chaff and that's why you've made a good move by joining a forum like this one. I think you will find that most people suggest following the article which is linked at the end of my signature. It has been written by someone with extensive experience and a thorough scientific knowledge.
If you don't understand anything in the article just ask and we'll try to help. I think throwing your hands up and saying you're not doing any of it is a knee-jerk reaction to seemingly confusing advice, but if you follow the said article to the letter as I am doing with my currently cycling tank you will almost certainly have a tank fit for healthy fish in a couple of  months.
It does take a lot of patience, but please be assured that we aren't trying to be obstructive, just helpful.
Oh yes, you are right Mamashack, they don't give a "Sh*t" about your tank, fish or investment they are employees and just are looking for a paycheck and you to leave.. lol
BUT! This resource is a great thing to use and i'm going to use it!
So, I've decided to try a fish-less cycle starting tomorrow.. 
I'll let you know my progress and how things are working.. as for the tank, keep your eyes peeled as I;m going to make some adjustments to the decor when this is all complete. 
Thank you all for your help!
Chat soon!
Well Fish friends, 
Today is day 1 of my fish-less cycle. 
I placed in 2ml of pure ammonia (as per the calculator instructed) and tested the water 45mins later. 
The reading came up to 3.0ppm :) I guess i'm on the right track..
Now... we wait
Yay well done Candace! You've made that all-important first step.
[If you find the tank a bit boring while you are waiting for the cycle to complete, you could try 1 or more of those Robofish. We had some at work (Nemo type) and they looked quite good from a distance!]
Ha! Robo-Fish? that's hilarious!!
I should eh :)
Ya, the tank is a bit boring now, but just think how awesome its gonna look once I get my aquascape on with my currently soaking driftwood. 
Besides, this time is good for my little plants to populate! Got lots of babies on my Java Ferns :)
Well.. Things are moving along :)
Took a reading today (day 7 in the cycle) and got the following readings:
No3 40
No2 1
GH 120
KH 120
PH 7.5
Ammonia 3.0
Nitrites seem to be up and at them now after my second dose of 2.3 cc of Ammonia added yesterday. 
Going to test again tomorrow to make sure no snack dose is needed :)
Happy to see the little Nitrite ammonia munchers! 
Woohoo! :) Moving along, be sure to stay patient!
That we are getting there

I'm going to pick up a test kit hopefully today (if I have time before the movies, lol)
Going to boil my driftwood too! Its been two weeks since ive started soaking it so we should be able to add it to the tank. 
Hopefully it doesn't cloud my water too much! 
I won't be adding anything for a bit now, going away for a week so the tank will sit with the driftwood. 
Going to have to plan how I want it set up, once I have it done, i'll post pics
Sitting watching water boil on a Sunday evening..
My driftwood is almost ready :)


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