Look! Hobart came out to play today
@ Ninj, Turbo! How cute
Gotta show me some pics!
I decided to get Cardinal Tetras today, I picked up 4, that's all they had and I asked the lady to get me 2 more for next week.
Here they are!
I just put them in this morning about 2 hours ago, and I was wondering, I heard that when they "pant" its due to lack of oxygen.
What can I do to aid that, or is that also stress because they just moved?
I also had another question..
Take a look at my plants, they have this white webbing on them, is that normal?
I was wondering if that was just a algae buildup and the snail would take care of that or they were starting to decay?
If they are, I was going to remove them and get more Java Fern, I like those. Mine are starting to reproduce already
Now, I also have been testing my tank these last three days (just bought a test kit)
Here's the results for today's test, let me know if I'm missing anything please
Yes, that is a sign on the bottom, lol
It says "Please do not tap on the glass"
I will be removing the rock and adding more live Java Fern and aquascaping it this weekend. I'm learning as I go how to decorate these things, lol
No, I haven't considered online.. something about receiving live animals in the mail is just weird to me.
Perhaps I may try it later on when I want something more exotic or harder to find.
aka.. an upgraded tank! lol
My friend moved her beta into a smaller 2g tank, but no heater, its a steady 23 here now so I think her fish should be ok.
We don't know what was causing the stress for the fish, we had went away for the weekend and had a little girl feeding them, she over fed and my friend had to drain the tank about halfway to remove all the excess food debris. The betta (Matilda) is doing much better and her fins are growing back. We wern't sure if the other fish her bothering her either but we took her out just in case.
My friend currently has 2 scissor tails, 3-4 pink danios and 2 zebra danios, a mystery snail and an ADF.
@ Mamashack, who's Maria?
Chat soon!