Hello Everyone!


Fish Fanatic
Jun 3, 2014
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Good Afternoon fish friends, my name is Candace and I am a new owner of my very own Fluval Edge 6 gallon tank. 
I only have a African Dwarf Frog (ADF) in the tank now, he's 3 years old and his name is Hobart but i'm planning to get some new Tetras today!
Here is my tank!
I have a question for you all, 
I have purchased a Greeat Choice 15W heater from PetSmart for my Fluval tank and it is registering 80-82 degrees and I am wondering if I need to get something smaller? Is that to warm?
The winters here are harsh in Canada and would it be wise to keep this heater for then or should I downgrade to something smaller?
There is a 7.5 Watt available with Greeat Choice and wanted to ask if anyone had advice on what I may need. 
Thank you and I look forward to any advice you may have!
Here are the links for the heaters if you need any further information. 
That looks like a heat pad rather than a heater in that it isn't adjustable and could lead to problems in the future.
I have a tiny heater - it's bigger in wattage @ 25w but it is only 6" long and is fully adjustable and currently in a tiny tank that is cycling at present. If you want the details check out my thread "12L Micro tank". http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/432894-12l-micro-tank/
How rude am I?? I forgot to say
to the forum, Candace!
Mamashack said:
That looks like a heat pad rather than a heater in that it isn't adjustable and could lead to problems in the future.
I have a tiny heater - it's bigger in wattage @ 25w but it is only 6" long and is fully adjustable and currently in a tiny tank that is cycling at present. If you want the details check out my thread "12L Micro tank". http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/432894-12l-micro-tank/
How rude am I?? I forgot to say
to the forum, Candace!
Thank you Mamashack! 
Newbie Question, whats the difference between a heat pad and a heater?
What kindof problems could I run into?
Would something like this be better?
Thanks again!
The heat pad isn't adjustable so you could be in trouble when the room temperature changes. The Aqueon looks the part but what you need to be sure of is that it is adjustable and also get a decent thermometer preferably digital (not the stick-on type as they can be way off! Digital ones are quite cheap here in the UK). That way you can check that the heater is working properly too.
to TFF, Candance! Hope you enjoy yourself here.
What sort of tetras were you planning on getting? I can't think of any that are suitable for that size tank. You'd be better with micro fish like mosquito rasbora. Did you cycle this tank btw?
Ninjouzata said:
to TFF, Candance! Hope you enjoy yourself here.
What sort of tetras were you planning on getting? I can't think of any that are suitable for that size tank. You'd be better with micro fish like mosquito rasbora. Did you cycle this tank btw?
I was thinking of the Neon Tetras, the local Pet Store said I can get either Tetras, Mollies, Platies or Bettas for this tank and only a max of 2-3. 
Cycle the tank? Forgive me, I'm not sure what that means..
I've been running the tank for three weeks now, I ran it without any vegetation for a week, then added the aquatic plants for an additional week and then added my ADF for the third week. Is that ok? What am I missing..
Thank you for the advice!
~ C
Watching YouTube... :)
I'll figure this out soon enough!
Neons would be better off in a 10-15g, mollies 30g, platies 15g, a betta would be alright but may steal food from the ADF. Not trying to be a downer but it is just hard to stock tanks of this size.
Have a read of THIS to see what cycling is. You can't do it now that your frog is in there though. What was he in before?
My ADF was in a little 6" x 6" free standing vase, he initially came in one of those smaller "toy tanks" with the bamboo stick. 
See link:
What fish would you suggest?
Others online have placed up to 9 Neon Tetras in this size tank
~ C
I'd suggest keeping it as a species only tank for african dwarf frogs. If you must have a fish in there a betta MIGHT work but do have a back up tank in case it doesn't as they don't always accept tankmates.
Other than that maybe micro fish such as mosquito rasbora or neon green rasbora. Not all of them, just one type. The rasboras are schooling fish so you'd want a minimum group of 6.
Glad you upgraded your ADF, that sites recommended care is awful :(
The Rasbora's look nice, I'll see when I exchange my heater what they have in stock for my tank. I'm not looking for much as this is my first setup. Unfortunately I didn't look further into it otherwise I would have bought something bigger. But I'm willing to try.

Thank for the advice! I'll let you know how I make out :)

Btw, yes the website that sells those frogs are Inhumane, my ADF has been spoiled for three years, going on 4.
Not sure how much longer he'll last but I'm hoping at least till he's 6.
Thank you Tongue_Flicker for the warm welcome 

So I bought myself a Mystery Snail yesterday. He's all black and now has a name "Shade"
I am hoping to get a few (3) Celestial Pearl Danio's for my tank and i'm going to try that. 
I think they should be happy 

I will show pics later
Chat lata!
~ C
Hi, welcome to the forum, Candace!
While CPDs are gorgeous fish (I have 10) they are extremely timid and really need to be in groups of at least 6 to have any sort of chance of being settled. They like lots of hidey places, too, like the shade under plant leaves. 
Love the new snail! I want a black one but most of my tanks have black sand so..

Hope you have many more years with your frog, and I agree with fm on getting more than 3 CPDs
 I think with the snail, frog, and 6 CPDs you'll be stocked so I wouldn't add a betta. Can't wait to see pics!

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