Hello All!

Thank you, maybe in the future I might. Mine are all put up for winter. Hoping this coming unseasonably cold weather for us this week will spare my garden this year. Last year was really tough.
Hi and welcome to TFF. Maybe you can post a topic of those bonsais in another section overhere. I truly do love bonsais. But I don't have them at my place. But instead I own a number of plastic bonsais. I'm not the best maintainer when it comes to real bonsais.
I wouldn't bother with the Anubias. the rest of the plants look good tho. :)

Pygmy chain sword plants are a great low growing plant. Their leaves are about 1-2 inches long and they spread by runners.

Your bonsai look good. It is impressive to see little trees that look like big mature trees. I have a lot of respect for people who do bonsai because they can make some really good looking miniature trees. They are works of art :)
I wouldn't bother with the Anubias. the rest of the plants look good tho. :)

Pygmy chain sword plants are a great low growing plant. Their leaves are about 1-2 inches long and they spread by runners.

Your bonsai look good. It is impressive to see little trees that look like big mature trees. I have a lot of respect for people who do bonsai because they can make some really good looking miniature trees. They are works of art :)
Thank you for the suggestions😊
I ordered the Anubias Nana by mistake, wanted the Petite 😕
A finished bonsai takes so many years to grow, buying full size, trained specimens costs hundreds to thousands of dollars. So I go to garden centers buy thick stemed, bonsai suitable bushes/trees and start training the roots and shaping the branches. They should start looking like something decent in 5-10 yrs, depending on variety. I've gotten alot of help from my local bonsai club, wonderful group of folks 😊
Some great plants for a first time planted tank would be pennywort, anacharis, hygrophila (loads of varieties), water sprite, water wisteria, frog bit, and small sword varieties. Sword plants love root tabs, very important! Your Fish Stuff has lots of plants at great prices, I have always been very happy with my purchases there! For cleaning equipment, I have found magnetic glass cleaner to be not all that effect. A hand held scrubber works better. Personally I just put a sock on my hand and scrub the glass like that, though it’s a bit hard in a 5 gallon.

As far as neon tetras go, there are standard neons, white neons, black neons, and green neons. I know that green neons stay a bit smaller than standards. Neon tetras are schooling fish who thrive in groups of 8 or more. Unfortunately a 5 gallon does not provide sufficient space for them to school and swim. Do you know the GH of your water supply? You might consider a betta or shrimp and snails or a trio of male guppies instead, depending on the tanks GH
Hello! Thanks for all the great bits of info! Have decided not to get the tetras and will go with my very first idea, a lovely betta. Guppies are pretty too, hadn't seriously considered them, a very good suggestion for me🤔
Will add some shrimp for algae clean up when needed, maybe a racer snail, they look cool (but not a big snail fan though).
I think if I put my arm in water to clean glass, would water over flow. Thought the magnetic cleaners were the favored product. Disappointed they aren't as effective as I had thought. I won't need anything for a while though I'm guessing 😏
Unfortunately my water test kit is due to arrive mid Feb, so don't know GH. We do have well water and two water filter systems (whole house and kitchen sink filter for drinking).
I do know by the residue on my house plant pots that I get some calcium/lyme build up. So that is a big concern.
Hello! Thanks for all the great bits of info! Have decided not to get the tetras and will go with my very first idea, a lovely betta. Guppies are pretty too, hadn't seriously considered them, a very good suggestion for me🤔
Will add some shrimp for algae clean up when needed, maybe a racer snail, they look cool (but not a big snail fan though).
I think if I put my arm in water to clean glass, would water over flow. Thought the magnetic cleaners were the favored product. Disappointed they aren't as effective as I had thought. I won't need anything for a while though I'm guessing 😏
Unfortunately my water test kit is due to arrive mid Feb, so don't know GH. We do have well water and two water filter systems (whole house and kitchen sink filter for drinking).
I do know by the residue on my house plant pots that I get some calcium/lyme build up. So that is a big concern.
Ah yes. A Betta is a good choice. Can't go wrong with their pretty colors. :)

also be prepared to either get bit or fish jumping out
Ah yes. A Betta is a good choice. Can't go wrong with their pretty colors. :)

also be prepared to either get bit or fish jumping out
Buck list betta


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Not sure a $50 fish should be my first one in a new tank. He is pretty though😍
Hoping the breeder (TX) will have more.😀
Not sure a $50 fish should be my first one in a new tank. He is pretty though😍
Hoping the breeder (TX) will have more.😀
Oh? You referring to me? 😏

I'm a Betta breeder from TX. 😏
What kind do you breed?
Primarily mouthbrooding species. :)

I have channoides and rubra fry/juvenile. Now I have a male raja holding (hope he doesn't swallow the eggs 🤞)

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