Heater broke while I was outlast night


May 13, 2004
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Manitoba, Canada
I returned home to find my taking at a pretty hot at 88/90 degrees I instantly turned off the heater and replaced a gal of the water it now sitting at 85 roughly I also increased the flow of my filter. I have no idea how long the temperature has been like that as I was away for more than 14hours. I currently have silver dollars, catfish, a pleco, molly, and two gouramis in that perticular tank. I'll seem to be living and Very active. I read the earlier post and before I concerd doing what was suggested there are a few problems. I work 12-5 and it's a sunday so I can't replace the heater at this very moment. Since the room temperature is currently 72 I've heard that drops in temperature can lead to bad effects. Should I just leave it right now at 85 and let is slowly come down? Put more water in the tank? Add icecubes? My silver dollars hate cold water with a passion and tend to huttle around the heater when it goes past 75 . Does anyone have any suggestions?
unfortunately I've got to leave right now. I haven't done anything more to the water and I'll heading to walmart right after work to pick up a heater. Hopefully everything will go well while I'm gone and the water temp will come down gradualy.
sorry to state the obvious but you should always have a spare everything heater air pump filters etc but apart from that it has happened to me when my g friend turned up the heater to much and it got to 90 just added cold water to get temp down and only lost 3 fish LUCK or what
for future reference: dont add icecubes as you don't know what's in them. if you keep a bottle of water in the freezer you can float that in your tank if and when it becomes necessary. I hope your fish survive.
Good news I figured I should give everyone a heads up. I left work early with the lamest excuse ever "I've got fish problems" All fish appear to be doing fine and living happly. The temperature is down to a reasonable 78. No deaths of yet to report. On a side note, the heater I was using was my spare one as the cat happened to be doing a mad dash past the tank and smashed a few things to the floor, lucky the friendly neighborhood walmart helped me out and my tank is up and running beautiful with a brand new heater. Thanks for the help though!
Oh, I'm so glad that you found everything in time! Great action on your part. Glad the job understands "fish problem" is perfectly legit :lol:

i wish that line would work at skool :lol:

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