hi i am wondering if you could tell me by pics if victor looks healthy to me hoping he has no finrot or anything i got him from my friend 2 days ago my friend got him from pets at home a couple of weeks ago and im wondering what type he is
He's a Veil tail (VT), and I believe his coloring would be Multi (But don't quote me on the coloring)
His fin's don't look exactly healthy to me, but the tank looks clean. He may have had fin rot at some point but I think it's healing up now. I'd to daily or every other day water changes of about 20% to ensure the water is clean, that should help his fins regrow more quickly
well i caught him chasing his fins trying to bite them so i think his a fin chewer getting him a ping pong ball to give him something to play with incase its boredom
Why not get him some nice small peaceful fish to play with? I keep my male in an endler tank and he is always too busy following other fish to get bored.
my betta is strill trying to recover from fin rott too. even though i've done many water changes during the week his top fin seems to have gotten smaller
he is in a26 litre aquael tank with filter and heater he hasnt got anyone else in there with him though he has a plant and a coconut hide out with java fern and moss he also has a ping pong ball to keep him occupied through reading on the internet they like to play with them and i have a almond leave in there which i put in today i noticed last night his black colouring on his face and head went a horrible colour i thought he wasnt going to make the night but checked him this morning and he was back to normal why would that happen i have put pics on of his colour change it was scarey to see him like that
I think that's just his coloring coming in. Betta's tend to change color during a time of stress. from your tank size 26L (6.6gal) that is a good size for a betta. keep up with water changes hopefully your betta will recover.
his hole head area to describe it better looked like it had faded and it looked like his eyes went blue but he was back to black again this morning maybe i stressed him when i checked on him before bed i always check him before going up to bed i have also now moved him from my dining room to my living room where hes been having fun watching us all he seemed bored in the dining room and i can now keep a closer eye on him
I hope he turns out ok soon. In a 26L tank, a couple of male endlers should be fine with him if you wanted to add any tankmates. Shrimp are fine in pretty much any sized tank, though their 'success' depends on your bettas temperament. A snail or two might be fine, though I'm not into snails that much so I'm not sure what type.