he just DIED..

:/ okay, i still have my poor betta's body in a little container (i wouldn't ever flush him, and it's rainy so i can't bury him right now) and i went to look at the scales, and now it appears that his body is turning white. :blink: he's got a huge streak of white going down his side, and it also appears he's a little swollen. i also looked more closely at his poor tail and it looks like it was ripped. :-( his scales don't look turned up, so i'm still not sure what caused his death..

and i think i'm just gonna stick to the Hikari (i think that's how you spell it..) bits and the flakes from now on. no more freeze-dried stuff at all, cuz i'm nervous now. my other betta seems to enjoy the flakes, but turns his nose up at the Hikari bits.
hmm do you think the white strips could just be the fact that his body is starting to rot/whatever after death? The white stuff might not be a symptom of what hapepned before he died.

If the sacles aren't turned up it might not be dropsy. but here's what a fish looks like with dropsy


see the upsturn scales? sad way to die :( in any case, it wapsrobably teh fin rot that got to him. I just think the loss of color is due to the whole after-death thing.
ohhh. well in that case he definately didn't have dropsy, because his scales were normal. and i wasn't sure about the sudden color change, i just thought it was weird because i've never seen that happen with any of my other fish. it was just weird because i don't think he should have started rotting that fast. it was only a few hours after he died that the whiteness started to spread.. :(
well i don't know what cuased his death, but i hope he's doing better in fishy heaven :-( Are your other fishies alright?
:-( thanks... and yes, my lone betta is doing perfectly fine. he is seriously the most hyper fish i've ever seen. constantly zooming around his tank, in circles, up and down, all day long. he's like the energizer fish. :)

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