So yesterday morning I lost a guppy and a chromis, but everything else was looking good; again, Tang still looks bad and not eating...
Well the Tang was looking better later last night; started attacking the seaweed clip and more active. I was just about to take him to the LFS so that he could watch him for me until my husband got home, but I thought I'd wait and see what he looked like today, since he was eating again. Turned off the air-intakes for the powerheads before I went to bed.
So this morning woke up to a dead Tang, and two dead guppies.
This is so frustrating. The last chromis was behind one of the power heads and very light in color, so I un-wedged him, but didn't think he'd make it either. The 3 pyjamas were almost completely white in color, so I thought I was losing the whole tank today, but do they just turn really pale overnight? Would turning off the air intakes on the powerheads cause the fish to die?
Came home this afternoon and all the fish are looking considerably better. I'm not going to get my hopes up that they will live though, too much dissapointment already.
I called the LFS and he said that the reason for all of our loss was that we had too many fish in the tank. We started out with 8 smaller end fish in our 75gal and he said the max amount you should have is 4-5 regardless of size. My husband and father-in-law disagree? What do you guys all think? Anyway, the LFS said that the remaining fish should be fine now.
Thanks for all your feedback