Have my pair had eggs?

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You guys, I understand the frustration and all, but how can you advocate being nice and kind to animals when you can't even do that to your fellow humans?

That doesn't mean you have to sit silently by, but that does mean that you should lay off making fun of him. That makes you just as childish and immature as you accuse him of being.
flautist said:
You guys, I understand the frustration and all, but how can you advocate being nice and kind to animals when you can't even do that to your fellow humans?

That doesn't mean you have to sit silently by, but that does mean that you should lay off making fun of him. That makes you just as childish and immature as you accuse him of being.
Well said. Although it is kind of hard to keep one's fingers from typing those words. It begs the question, is he making it up just to see us react this way? Why else would he post the same thing over and over?
You guys, I understand the frustration and all, but how can you advocate being nice and kind to animals when you can't even do that to your fellow humans?

That doesn't mean you have to sit silently by, but that does mean that you should lay off making fun of him. That makes you just as childish and immature as you accuse him of being

it was only a joke to try and lighten the mood :-( , he is obviously trying to get attention and he gets it, good or bad.
We started off nice, kind and helpful. He chose to use all the caps and exclamation points every time we tried to give advice or ask questions. Being kind to animals has no comparison with being treated as if you were an idiot. And yes, I will continue to question anything he says, because of all the previous lies. I'm not making fun of anyone. I really don't believe he has any fish. Have you read his earlier posts? He went from asking what you needed to keep angel fish since he was thinking about getting some, and then a few days later asking what other fish to breed since he had already kept angels. Give me a break.
flautist said:
You guys, I understand the frustration and all, but how can you advocate being nice and kind to animals when you can't even do that to your fellow humans?

That doesn't mean you have to sit silently by, but that does mean that you should lay off making fun of him. That makes you just as childish and immature as you accuse him of being.
I haven't made fun of him at all, so I don't think your comment on that was directed toward me. :p

I will, however, rip any human being APART for mistreating animals - I have read my own 80 year old grandmother the riot act for the way she treats her goldfish... Humans have been granted the be-all end-all of authority on this planet and we decide how everything works. We cage animals. We fence them in. We dump them into tanks. We tie them up. We forget to feed them. If they don't feel good, half the time we don't pay any attention. (some of these don't apply to folks on this forum - just humans in general) We slaughter them so we can all have great meals. If animals could talk and retaliate back at us, we'd all be in a MONSTROUS world of hurt.

I do agree with you and don't think it's the right approach to make fun of this person.

I don't, however, have any issues whatsoever about letting him have it for being a complete and utter pain in the ass on the topic of fish, whether he's lying or he isn't.

(I think we scared him off, though now, so it might be a non-issue from this point).
BettaMomma said:
flautist said:
You guys, I understand the frustration and all, but how can you advocate being nice and kind to animals when you can't even do that to your fellow humans?

That doesn't mean you have to sit silently by, but that does mean that you should lay off making fun of him. That makes you just as childish and immature as you accuse him of being.
I haven't made fun of him at all, so I don't think your comment on that was directed toward me. :p

I will, however, rip any human being APART for mistreating animals - I have read my own 80 year old grandmother the riot act for the way she treats her goldfish... Humans have been granted the be-all end-all of authority on this planet and we decide how everything works. We cage animals. We fence them in. We dump them into tanks. We tie them up. We forget to feed them. If they don't feel good, half the time we don't pay any attention. (some of these don't apply to folks on this forum - just humans in general) We slaughter them so we can all have great meals. If animals could talk and retaliate back at us, we'd all be in a MONSTROUS world of hurt.

I do agree with you and don't think it's the right approach to make fun of this person.

I don't, however, have any issues whatsoever about letting him have it for being a complete and utter pain in the ass on the topic of fish, whether he's lying or he isn't.

(I think we scared him off, though now, so it might be a non-issue from this point).
definitely was not directed at you, Momma. Like I said, I don't think we should sit silently by while he mistreats his fish, however we shouldn't stoop to his level to make fun of him.
I agree; I don't think making fun is appropriate. He has continually ignored good, sound advice, and is plauging the board with incessant posts, so I don't think people really need to be all that polite in how they give advice any more, but making fun isn't doing much for either end here.
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