Have I Damaged My Set Up?!?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 16, 2006
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I could kick myself...i did a 20% water change and then realised i'd forgotten to treat the water!! :no:

In a panic, i put the treatment stright into the tank. Will this hurt my fish?!!?!
i would say it demends on the amount of treatment u put in?
did u do the recomended dose?
If I'm doing a small water change and use a one gallon bucket, I always treat it before going in the tank, but other than that I always treat it after. (I use a Python for my large water changes, so I add the treatment when I'm done). I've never had any ill effects of it and I've been doing it for years.
I could kick myself...i did a 20% water change and then realised i'd forgotten to treat the water!! :no:

In a panic, i put the treatment stright into the tank. Will this hurt my fish?!!?!
as long as you put in the proper amount shortly after introducing the untreated water, it should be ok.

your fish will most definitely be ok. it's the filter bacteria you should worry about in the future.

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