Have I Cycled?


New Member
Jun 8, 2007
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An answer to a question i should really know. But i really dont.

I set up my 35L Arc Tank over a month ago now and decided to cycle with four Danios. I seeded the tank with two medium handfulls of Media from BiOrb, a whole Filter Sponge, again from the BiOrb and i added a Pot of Bacternnets (sorry, can never remeber how to spell this stuff) in the filter.

Four weeks on now since i added the fish and still no signs of Ammonia and Nitrite. Both at Zero. Nitrate is at 10.

Do you guys think i might have cycled already?? Am i still waiting for the cycling to kick in yet??

Im just dont understand. Due to this not know, i bought a Betta for the tank. Both Betta and Danio are getting on well, also look fit and healthy.

An answer to a question i should really know. But i really dont.

I set up my 35L Arc Tank over a month ago now and decided to cycle with four Danios. I seeded the tank with two medium handfulls of Media from BiOrb, a whole Filter Sponge, again from the BiOrb and i added a Pot of Bacternnets (sorry, can never remeber how to spell this stuff) in the filter.

Four weeks on now since i added the fish and still no signs of Ammonia and Nitrite. Both at Zero. Nitrate is at 10.

Do you guys think i might have cycled already?? Am i still waiting for the cycling to kick in yet??

Im just dont understand. Due to this not know, i bought a Betta for the tank. Both Betta and Danio are getting on well, also look fit and healthy.


Just keep testing for amonia and nitrIte every day. I would do a nitrate test every few days too. If the nitrate levels go up and ammonia and nitrIte stay at zero, i would say that your tank is cycled.

An answer to a question i should really know. But i really dont.

I set up my 35L Arc Tank over a month ago now and decided to cycle with four Danios. I seeded the tank with two medium handfulls of Media from BiOrb, a whole Filter Sponge, again from the BiOrb and i added a Pot of Bacternnets (sorry, can never remeber how to spell this stuff) in the filter.

Four weeks on now since i added the fish and still no signs of Ammonia and Nitrite. Both at Zero. Nitrate is at 10.

Do you guys think i might have cycled already?? Am i still waiting for the cycling to kick in yet??

Im just dont understand. Due to this not know, i bought a Betta for the tank. Both Betta and Danio are getting on well, also look fit and healthy.


Just keep testing for amonia and nitrIte every day. I would do a nitrate test every few days too. If the nitrate levels go up and ammonia and nitrIte stay at zero, i would say that your tank is cycled.


Been doing that Gaz. Testing everyday and the nitrate does actually slow climb up.

An answer to a question i should really know. But i really dont.

I set up my 35L Arc Tank over a month ago now and decided to cycle with four Danios. I seeded the tank with two medium handfulls of Media from BiOrb, a whole Filter Sponge, again from the BiOrb and i added a Pot of Bacternnets (sorry, can never remeber how to spell this stuff) in the filter.

Four weeks on now since i added the fish and still no signs of Ammonia and Nitrite. Both at Zero. Nitrate is at 10.

Do you guys think i might have cycled already?? Am i still waiting for the cycling to kick in yet??

Im just dont understand. Due to this not know, i bought a Betta for the tank. Both Betta and Danio are getting on well, also look fit and healthy.


Just keep testing for amonia and nitrIte every day. I would do a nitrate test every few days too. If the nitrate levels go up and ammonia and nitrIte stay at zero, i would say that your tank is cycled.


Been doing that Gaz. Testing everyday and the nitrate does actually slow climb up.


Sounds to me like your tank is there. I presume you are doing weekly water changes to control the NitrAte. It sounds pretty good. I would stop doing the tests now and just do them weekly. How high is your NitrAte after a week?
An answer to a question i should really know. But i really dont.

I set up my 35L Arc Tank over a month ago now and decided to cycle with four Danios. I seeded the tank with two medium handfulls of Media from BiOrb, a whole Filter Sponge, again from the BiOrb and i added a Pot of Bacternnets (sorry, can never remeber how to spell this stuff) in the filter.

Four weeks on now since i added the fish and still no signs of Ammonia and Nitrite. Both at Zero. Nitrate is at 10.

Do you guys think i might have cycled already?? Am i still waiting for the cycling to kick in yet??

Im just dont understand. Due to this not know, i bought a Betta for the tank. Both Betta and Danio are getting on well, also look fit and healthy.


Just keep testing for amonia and nitrIte every day. I would do a nitrate test every few days too. If the nitrate levels go up and ammonia and nitrIte stay at zero, i would say that your tank is cycled.


Been doing that Gaz. Testing everyday and the nitrate does actually slow climb up.


Sounds to me like your tank is there. I presume you are doing weekly water changes to control the NitrAte. It sounds pretty good. I would stop doing the tests now and just do them weekly. How high is your NitrAte after a week?

I do a 10%-15% Water Change every Sunday. Nitrate has never been higher than 15, and that was only once, 10 is average.

An answer to a question i should really know. But i really dont.

I set up my 35L Arc Tank over a month ago now and decided to cycle with four Danios. I seeded the tank with two medium handfulls of Media from BiOrb, a whole Filter Sponge, again from the BiOrb and i added a Pot of Bacternnets (sorry, can never remeber how to spell this stuff) in the filter.

Four weeks on now since i added the fish and still no signs of Ammonia and Nitrite. Both at Zero. Nitrate is at 10.

Do you guys think i might have cycled already?? Am i still waiting for the cycling to kick in yet??

Im just dont understand. Due to this not know, i bought a Betta for the tank. Both Betta and Danio are getting on well, also look fit and healthy.


Just keep testing for amonia and nitrIte every day. I would do a nitrate test every few days too. If the nitrate levels go up and ammonia and nitrIte stay at zero, i would say that your tank is cycled.


Been doing that Gaz. Testing everyday and the nitrate does actually slow climb up.


Sounds to me like your tank is there. I presume you are doing weekly water changes to control the NitrAte. It sounds pretty good. I would stop doing the tests now and just do them weekly. How high is your NitrAte after a week?

I do a 10%-15% Water Change every Sunday. Nitrate has never been higher than 15, and that was only once, 10 is average.


Thats sounds good... Just dont let your nitrAte go above 40 ppm.

sounds cycled to me too but a BIG BUT, please dont keep a betta with danios, the worse possible mixture (except 2 male bettas ofcourse) it is doomed, well your betta prob is, consider doing the right thing and get him a smaller tank of his own..... please :D ;)
sounds cycled to me too but a BIG BUT, please dont keep a betta with danios, the worse possible mixture (except 2 male bettas ofcourse) it is doomed, well your betta prob is, consider doing the right thing and get him a smaller tank of his own..... please :D ;)

I dont mean to be rude when i say this, but do you mind exampling why they cant be housed together??

The only problem i have come across is with the feeding. As the Danio are MUCH Faster then him, they eat most of the food and hes kinda lives of the left overs that float on down.

sounds cycled to me too but a BIG BUT, please dont keep a betta with danios, the worse possible mixture (except 2 male bettas ofcourse) it is doomed, well your betta prob is, consider doing the right thing and get him a smaller tank of his own..... please :D ;)

I dont mean to be rude when i say this, but do you mind exampling why they cant be housed together??

The only problem i have come across is with the feeding. As the Danio are MUCH Faster then him, they eat most of the food and hes kinda lives of the left overs that float on down.


Danios are very active and fast moving fish and may harass the betta. Male bettas on the other hand are slow moving and very territorial so will probably attack the danios for being on his "turf". However you can occasionally find bettas that accept tankmates, for example I once saw a betta in with a bunch of guppys and ottos, but to be safe I'd recommend getting the betta his own tank.
sounds cycled to me too but a BIG BUT, please dont keep a betta with danios, the worse possible mixture (except 2 male bettas ofcourse) it is doomed, well your betta prob is, consider doing the right thing and get him a smaller tank of his own..... please :D ;)

I dont mean to be rude when i say this, but do you mind exampling why they cant be housed together??

The only problem i have come across is with the feeding. As the Danio are MUCH Faster then him, they eat most of the food and hes kinda lives of the left overs that float on down.


betta will go after the danios and the danios will nip at the betta.
Thanks for the Heads Up guys. That was really helpfull. They have been housed together for over 3 Weeks now and have been keeping an eye on them as i knew they might fall out, but things seem to being going good for now. I forgot to mention that ive also got two Otos in there too. Again keeping an eye out. As soon as i see anythings up, will move the Danios and Otos to my other tank.

One thing you guys could help me out is with food? I was told that as Mr. Chow (My Betta) is not getting to the food fast enought that i should get some food that sinks to the bottom of the tank for him. I popped into my local P@H as i going past it. I remebered they did Special Betta food, i read it and they float. One of the guys said the out sinking food they had was catfish food and i could try this. I said to them that i would do a bit more research fist. Somepeople mention dried bloodworms to??

Not sure what direction to go down. -_-

I must be one of the lucky ones then. I have a betta in with 7 zebra danios and they get on just fine.

Agreed that the Danios are a bit quick when it comes to feeding time, but add in some mini-pellets that sink slowly. By the time the danios have gobbled up everything on the surface, the betta has started on the pellets.
I must be one of the lucky ones then. I have a betta in with 7 zebra danios and they get on just fine.

Agreed that the Danios are a bit quick when it comes to feeding time, but add in some mini-pellets that sink slowly. By the time the danios have gobbled up everything on the surface, the betta has started on the pellets.

What mini-pellets do you use??


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