Has Anyone Uses The Extended Feeder Blocks?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 27, 2008
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my sister isnt big with forums so she wanted me to ask...

she is goinf back to school and hates bring her betta back with her for breaks. shes concerned its to much stress with a 3 hour drive...
so she wanted me to ask about the extended feeder blocks... has any one used these? she would be gone about a week and a half from the betta... but didnt know if the feeder blocks would work?
or if it is even safe for them... we came across one that said it was for 7 days for bettas...

we just wanted someones experience or thoughts....

A healthy adult fish can easily go for two weeks without being fed. Feeder blocks are notorious for fouling the water while you are away, leading to dead fish. I transport fish 3+ hours all the time, done properly it is no big deal.

As long as the fish is in a properly filtered & cycled tank I would leave it. If not bag it up & bring it with.
I've tried feeder blocks and all it does is make a big mess in the tank and pollutes the water quality. I personally do not use them anymore. I went out and purchased an automatic feeder. You can set it to feed every 12 hours or 24 hours. Since then I have not had a problem with bad water. It looks something like this:
alright! thanks all he is a very healthy betta....

i actually have set up an automatice feeder like that for my parents turtles... i just stop once a week to do there maintains and refill it and all is good...
Yeah feeder blocks are more likely to kill them than just not feeding them. I haven't used the automatic feeders, but I've heard there is some risk of spilling and over feeding. If you do use an automatic feeder try to get one that would only feed the bettas once of twice during the vacation because that's really all they need, and if you put just a little food in there then there's no risk of it causing as ammonia spike if it all falls in. And, this would keep the water cleaner while your sister is gone.

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