Has Anyone Successfully Kept A Sixline Wrasse With Another Wrasse?


Fish Gatherer
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
Tunbridge Wells
Specifically a Leopard Wrasse?

I would assume the answer is no as my sixline is very aggressive to any new fish, let alone ones of similar body shape.

Just mulling over stocking options for the next tank.
Wrasses can and do attack fishes that occupy a similar biological niche. You could try putting the leopard in a few weeks before the sixline.
Nice idea, but the current tank (including the sixline) will be moved into the new one as soon as it's here and ready.

The fact that the Leopard Wrasse, from what I've read, is a very peaceful fish suggests to me that it will be a target for getting bullied by the sixline.

Ah well, plenty of time for decisions to be made.

it doesn't seem too aware of it's own size, it often displays very aggressively at ME when I'm look at the tank close up
You know, that can work. Placing very large (aggressive or not) fish in with a species that is normally aggressive can really calm them down. A pinktailed trigger can fit this bill perfectly.
not heard of that before, i have plans for a couple of larger fish so maybe I'll just leave the leopard at the bottom of the list for now
Like I said, it can work. I suspect this is the case with several of my "aggressive" fish (both presently and in the past) that were totally docile.
Lmao, a pinktail? I'm sure that would put it in it's place :lol:

Leopard wrasses are often timid while small to moderate sized (up to 3"). When they're larger than that, they can even be a little bossy themselves. Were you to find a larger leopard wrasse @ombomb, I'd think it might work, but not with smaler ones
Hey dude, if my pinktailed were alive he could kick all of your fishes' a$$. In fact, he'd kick your a$$ if you stuck your hand in the tank and pretended to be food. :lol:

Okay, I've typed the word 'a$$' enough for one night... check out my profile on pinktailed's in the TFF SW fish section if interested.
ive kept mine with a carpenters flasher and currently a silverbellied, i guess ive got lucky since my 6line is one of my oldest fish yet hasnt shown any aggresion to any newbies!

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