Has Anyone Ever -?


Fish Herder
Feb 17, 2005
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I was having a horrific day last week and nearly bought myself a marble CT, because I fancy marbles and this CT had shortish finnage. I talked myself down from it with great effort, and the logic I was able to get away with was that 'bettas are not comfort fish', and 'you don't know how to care for more than 2 bettas.' Anyone else ever try and buy themselves a betta just for that little thrill that comes with owning a new one?
I have bought many a betta on a whim. I know I am at my limit now, so I don't even look when I go the lfs anymore.
I have bought my last 2 bettas on a whim.
One was because it looked so sad in the little container, the other because I was sad and I had a couple open betta bowls to chose from at home.
Bettas made me start exclaiming "so cute!" at little cups of fish. Heh, and I wonder why people think I'm odd. More than once someone tried to explain to me that fish are not 'cute'.

I regret not buying that CT, and that female, but I know that I can't care for them like they'd need to be cared for. I like owning my bettas in twos, so far. When I had three, I felt like they'd form a little gang, mug me, and steal all my hikari.
Oh I love that expression, "comfort betta"! I think you are onto some deep psychological truth here. :lol:

I am not a betta person at all, haven't kept them for 30 years, and am determined to keep my hospital tank...well, for hospital cases. Yet there is this betta at Pets@home... He's been there for weeks, months, and if I've had a bad day I keep hearing little voices popping into my head murmuring that anything that can stay alive for weeks in one of their tanks has got to be tough as old boots and really deserves better....
Heh, yeah, I figured it followed about the same logic 'comfort food' did. That's what I was thinking as I held that little CT's cup, "bettas are not to be equated with pizza." My inner demons reared up and exclaimed, "bettas are healthier than pizzas and more cost effective!"
i so nearly got 3 gorgeous females the other day from a rather sad over-stocked tank at a petstore
but i talked myself down simply because i have NO space for them.
they were so pretty too :(

i have bettas to keep me busy at home. because i suck at going out haha.
Just a few months ago, I was telling myself nine was a good number, than twelve, than sixteen... sigh
I feel like I'm constantly having to talk myself down from bettas that are a good deal on aquabid to ones that need rescuing at Petsmart. I promised myself a new one if I get really really good grades this quarter.

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