Has Anyone Ever Caught Anything From There Tank


Fish Addict
Sep 13, 2006
Reaction score
uk- east yorkshire
i have been keeping fish on and off for the past 20 years

i have never caught anything from my fish in the past

but just recently i have developed a very bad red rash on my right arm, and it itches very bad

i went to chemist and they said it looked like an alergic reaction to something,

now its my right arm im always putting it into the tank well more then my left anyway.

can i be alergic to my fish :-( , have i caught something from the water, have you ever heard anything like it before.

i havent changed anything like wash powder or anything like that.

its driving me mad going to the doctors tomorrow, :/

i have been keeping fish on and off for the past 20 years

i have never caught anything from my fish in the past

but just recently i have developed a very bad red rash on my right arm, and it itches very bad

i went to chemist and they said it looked like an alergic reaction to something,

now its my right arm im always putting it into the tank well more then my left anyway.

can i be alergic to my fish :-( , have i caught something from the water, have you ever heard anything like it before.

i havent changed anything like wash powder or anything like that.

its driving me mad going to the doctors tomorrow, :/


I cant remember the name of it now but there is something you can catch from fish tanks and can go years without catching it and then it can strike. No one I know has had it but it can be quite nasty, will see what I can dig around. Cant believe Ive forgotten the name of it :unsure:

edit dug this out :-

Not sure if this was the one im thinking off the name doesnt ring any bells.

Do you ever feed your fish bloodworms? I know a few people here have had an allergic reaction coming in contact with them.
i have been keeping fish on and off for the past 20 years

i have never caught anything from my fish in the past

but just recently i have developed a very bad red rash on my right arm, and it itches very bad

i went to chemist and they said it looked like an alergic reaction to something,

now its my right arm im always putting it into the tank well more then my left anyway.

can i be alergic to my fish :-( , have i caught something from the water, have you ever heard anything like it before.

i havent changed anything like wash powder or anything like that.

its driving me mad going to the doctors tomorrow, :/


I cant remember the name of it now but there is something you can catch from fish tanks and can go years without catching it and then it can strike. No one I know has had it but it can be quite nasty, will see what I can dig around. Cant believe Ive forgotten the name of it :unsure:

edit dug this out :-

Not sure if this was the one im thinking off the name doesnt ring any bells.


thanks for that,

it dosnt look like what they have, mine is more rashy then spotty if you know what i mean .

just keep an eye on it then. Marine tanks are bad for causeing rash's due to so many inhabitants having mild stings :D some catfish can cause minor stings as well I believe with their dorsal fins.
iam sorry to see this....my wife is elergic to fish,if she comes into contact with fish or even where its been prepeared she comes out in a rash like you and she says its sooo painful once she went into a coma for 3weeks....so please make sure you consult a skin specailist :good:
hope everything works out for you
Best bet is to self test, I find.

I work in a lab alot, and as a reult have become allergic to both powdered and latex gloves, I found this out by trying each glove type in turn and recording the result.

This is most probably an irritance reaction (consult your doctor), were continued exposure to an item, eventually results in you becomming hyper sensitive to it.

For best results, try using some gloves before embarking on tank maintainance.

As for what diseases tank inhabitants can pass on? well salmonella is a prime example.
Had a problem with my reef tank. Skin would peel off my hand if I kept them wet for to long. Would also make my fingers swell up and itch. Have the same effect when fishing using ragworm for bait.

picture isnt good but there it is :sick:

ahhh thats nasty!! maybe your tank isn't causing this .. my mother had someting like that- it was only concertated in one body part, heres being the back. They never found out what it was but it eventually went away with meds. Ask for a bi-op-see (can't spell)
Check your nitrate levels. At one point last year I was having something very similar happen: After I had been cleaning one of my tanks, the skin on my arm would get irritated, spotty red, and a bit itchy; it looked very much like in the photo. (It's a similar reaction to what I get when I have mosquito bites, which I am allergic to.) I later discovered that the nitrates in that tank had spiked, and apparently my sensitive skin was picking up on it.

It could very well be something else, but it's one thing that can easily be confirmed or crossed off.

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