Has Any Of Your Bettas Ever Jumped Out Of Its Tank And Lived?

My female jumped just yesterday, she was out of water for a good hour and a half, i found her one the floor completely dried up covered in dust and sand, i looked for a bit thinking oh man my favorite fish ever is dead.. and she moved! i was like :hyper:
it was touch and go yesterday, she was producing extra slime coat everywere, and this morning shes been doing great.. but iv just discovered half her fins are disappearing, so im now dealing with a rapid case of fin rot.. i do hope she makes it :-(
I've never had a betta jump out But I have had an oscar jump out of his tank. After than I learned to weigh the hood down tight.
Ouch! An oscar. :X
Never had any fish jump out of their tank. The first betta we had had his tank broken and I was in the bath at the time. He'd slid behind my gourami tank, inbetween all the wires and the tv. :S Took me a good 10 minutes to find him. He'd avoided being cut by any of the glass thankfully and he lived a good 6 months beyond that, when he sadly died of a very nasty fungal infection that came in in the water supply. :-(

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