Fish Aficionado
Harvey has some major health issues going on right now, and I need some help trying to connect the dots.
I recently moved him from our living room where he was freaking out because of all the activity to my bedroom where he's left in very dim light, alone most of the time except in the evenings when I have low light on in there and I'm on the computer. He has calmed down IMMENSELY since I moved him. But, there are new issues I noticed last night when I was sitting by him with my nose pressed up against the glass.
The first thing I noticed was when he flared, his right gill raker doesn't stick out - just the left one. The gill attached to his cheek does stick out, but the raker (red part) doesn't come out.
Also, I noticed that around the edges of his gills he has more rust color than usual. And, to that note - on his gill, when he flares, the area on the outside of him that gets creased when his gills flap out seems to have become kind of whitish, like the scales have fallen off right there. I was assuming that happened because he was flaring so darn much and freaking out - like fighting full-on open mouthed wriggling and fighting with his reflection - all the time when the lights were on.
On top of everything, he has finrot. I had been medicating him with Maracyn 2, but that was because he started to chew his tail off. Now I'm at a loss as to what to do next. his med period is over for maracyn 2, and I don't wanna start something new with him until I get some advice here.
Sorry the pics are so bad... but here's kind of a close up of his face so you can see the rust color on his gills:
Any ideas on what's going on here?
I need to start him on meds or whatever is necessary soon.
I have on hand:
Tetracycline Tabs