Harvey's got issues

Well - I checked him over good this morning.
His round of tetracycline ended now, so he will be getting a water change tonight.
His fins and tail have started growing back in really, really well. Lots of new clear growth. BUT... I have now noticed that he's got red streaks on his tail and fins which I don't like - so he might be getting a round of Maracyn Two next - cuz that's supposedly a sign of internal infection.

He hasn't flared at me in a few days but Saturday, he did flare and the one gill raker he had that wasn't coming out very well was coming out a little more.

This poor guy has had problems his whole life.
I'd just ONCE like to see him perfectly healthy.
I haven't seen a bubblenest from him in... well... a LOOONG time.

Hopefully we're on the right track, tho, cuz at least his fins and tail are coming in nicely.

Oh, also - I haven't been sitting and watching him all that much lately, but in the times I've walked in on him when he wasn't expecting me, or when I was watching him cuz he didn't realize I was there, he's not scratching on the bottom anymore. That i have noticed anyway.
I was hoping he'd be feeling a lot better by now. :/ Hang in there. He knows you are doing everything you can for him. Keep us posted.
You and me both.
I wonder what I'll do with myself if there ever comes a time when ALL my fish are healthy at once.

I would say they're just like kids. Once you get one thing taken care of then there are a dozen other things to worry about. :sad:
Then multiply that times 12 and you've got one busy little betta owner.

So, tonight...
I changed out his water, and really inspected him thru the sparkly clean water. I've decided that I am pretty sure he's got septicemia and an internal infection now. If you remember way back in the beginning of this thread, I said that I saw what I thought to be a lump under his chin. Well, he's now got another one, and more red streaks on his fins. Lots of bright, bloodred streaks.

So I gave him his water change, added salt and started him on Maracyn Two. This poor kid is going to become immune to every medication there is out there. He's been on them all at one time or another for some crazy disease.

I guess I should just assume that these guys who are sick when I get them will be more susceptible. I guess I sometimes feel like the betta goddess who, with some good clean water, a great place to live and lots of TLC (and occasionally some medicating) I can make any fish perfectly healthy.

Well, these guys are sure giving me a run for my money :)
Poor little guy. I know what you mean. If good intentions could make them well, there would never be another sick or injured betta.

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