thanks everyone
nat im not having to add any thing like that atm because all of the corals are softies but soon im going to get some lps corals so i will have to wait and see.
anyway nice tank, i think i might be getting more coral as well after my cyano clears up, tbh xenia and zoas are not much fun after about 2 months of nothing but xenia splitting lol
thanks andy so i was doing my art homework and i looked at my tank. and gess what i saw a worm eating my toad stool leather coral. #105### its that worm that can grow 10 feet in a tank and 50 feet in the wild i think the only way to get it is to take the rock out of the water untill it comes out. but how long would be too long? im going to add more live rock soon. so if leaving the rock it out fails then i will brake the rock into two. also i have read some were that you can just add the live rock straght in to the tank. because the filtration can handel it? so would 2 kilos make a difference to my tank? (in nitrate,nitrite etc)
we had a flood again on friday so we are going to get rce to drill the tank for us also the guy at rce said that you shouldnt drill the bottom of juwel tanks because thats the tanks weakest part and over time it may leak or crack my dad also brought another reflecter for my tank. i think today we are going to buy more live rock to replace the one with the worm in and once the rock has dried out or the worm comes out i we cure it again
id just crack the rock in two and get the worm out i was cracking lr once to fit places and cracked it in two and there was something in the centre and somehow a peppermint shrimp had burrowed into the middle and was living in it
yer im going to do that tomorrow i hope its in there or im going to be pissed off i got some more live rock today its in a bucket atm. i got 2.5 kilos. also i have shut down the sump so my tank looks ugly atm. it will be up and running soon cos im getting my tank drilled. we have a plan for when i upgrade. ok as we are having the tank drilled we are going to build a 4 foot by 2 foot cabenet and a bigger sump so when i upgrade i will only need to buy the tank from nd aquatics. so insted of spending £634 on a tank with cabenet and sump i can spend £207 on a tank without a cabenet and sump