Harrys Juwel Rio 125 Marine Tank

thanks everyone. my peppermint shrimp hasnt eaten any aptasia :grr: and i have paid £12.99 for it :grr:
thanks everyone. my peppermint shrimp hasnt eaten any aptasia :grr: and i have paid £12.99 for it :grr:

lol! at least you actually managed to get a Peppermint shrimp! I went to get one and ended up coming back with a striped shrimp which I don't even know what it is! Haha. Ah well..hopefully it will eat my aptasia like I was told it should do ^-^
i should be getting some fish this weekend if the water is ok. im going to need more salted water anyway. im thinking............ CLOWN FISH :hyper: but they have gone up a bit from £9 each to £15 :crazy: i have £27 tho what could i add first insted of clown fish because they might not have them instock. could i have a purple firefish if they dont have clown fish in stock.?
i have got 2 clowns :hyper: but they are not feeding :crazy: i fed them this mixed flake and dried shrimp thing but they just put it in there mouths and spit it out again. can some one help me find some good food that isnt frozen because my mum donsnt want fishy stuff in the freezer. in facted she hates seafood. :grr: i have loads of pods growing in my tank will they eat them?
i have got 2 clowns :hyper: but they are not feeding :crazy: i fed them this mixed flake and dried shrimp thing but they just put it in there mouths and spit it out again. can some one help me find some good food that isnt frozen because my mum donsnt want fishy stuff in the freezer. in facted she hates seafood. :grr: i have loads of pods growing in my tank will they eat them?

Mine love the Ocean Nutrician #2 Pellet Food. Their flake food is also good but, they definitely wolf down the pellets!
ok thanks i will get some. i might get lucky and they will feed on the food i have at the moment
picsture time i also found this weird orange thing.




picsture time i also found this weird orange thing.


It looks like a pair of sea squirt. You can see a macro shot of what they look like close up in the macro photography thread.
are they safe? if not how can i get rid of them?
also when can i add some coral? and my lighting is just the stock t5 lights ones i will upgrade them to marine white. but would it be ok to buy some coral and then upgrade the lights in 2-3 months time? soz for all the Qs
are they safe? if not how can i get rid of them?

Yes they are safe. Have a google session and read up on sea squirts / tunicates.

Get the correct lights first, then get the corals. If it was only going to be a few days until you got the lights, I would say, no problem but, 2-3 months is a no-no. The only exceptions to this are obviously corals that require no light at all, like sun corals which require target feeding with frozen food.
Your clown fish are so cute! Can't wait to get mine ^-^ you're doing great with your tank!
thanks everyone. i tested my water and my nitrate has gone up a bit to 2.5 and nitrite is up a tinsy bit only just pinky purplely. so im doing a water change. :good:
help i need some help now. i underestermated how long my fresh ro water would last and i have nearly run out :crazy: my mum dosnt understand why i need to get some more :shout: and my dad is ill. so as i only have one coral wich i didnt buy could i just use tap water with conditioner, untill i get some more ro water. i carnt get any more untill thursday but even then thats unlikely. my tank gets very hot with the t5s on and the evapouration happens a lot. my sg is around 1.025/6 so i could rise quickly. :shout:

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