Harlequin rasbora behavior concern

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New Member
May 20, 2020
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Utah, United States
Not sure if this is the right category so I apologize if it is incorrect!
I picked up a local store’s last two harlequin rasboras as I was planning on getting a school/shoal of them for a community tank I had just gotten cycled, problem is I don’t have the appropriate amount of these fish yet. I did just order some so they’ll be here early next week, but for the meantime it’s just those two in this 1tank with some nerite snails.
One of the two is being quite nippy and the one being harassed looks a bit clamp, I’m assuming it’s because it’s just the two, but I’m open to any ideas as I’d like to keep both of them alive and as stress free as possible.
Im planning on getting more plants, everything is still establishing as far as plants go, so growth isn't big right now. Not much cover yet unfortunately for the poor rasbora getting bullied.

What would you guys recommend? Here are images of the two, I’ll label them:

Picture 1 is fish getting harassed, and picture 2 is the harasser.


Let me know if you have any thoughts or ideas! Thanks!
The one looks like it has ich which not good and I would treat the tank quickly before it spreads to the other one.
The one looks like it has ich which not good and I would treat the tank quickly before it spreads to the other one.
the spots were little bubbles, when I look at the fish in person there aren’t any visible ich scabs, I’ll keep an eye on them just in case, any other their thoughts?
Hello and welcome to the forum, I would find other things to place into the tank to provide hiding spots and to break up the line of site for the fish. This does not have to be long term fish stuff since it is only until you get the rest of your fish and plants.
Reduce the amount of light, that will also help reduce stress which can make fish aggressive/fearful and place a background on the backside of your tank. You can use paper and tape for now.
I have the related Espe's rasboras and when I first got them they hid in the back corner. Then I read about floating plants and got some. The plants now cover almost the entire water surface and the rasboras swim everywhere.

I would definitely get some plants in there - real or fake -including something to float on the surface.
Definitely get a larger number for shoaling. Recently restarting my tank I purchased the Trigonostigma espei variety versus my traditional choice of the Trigonostigma heteromorpha. Really enjoying the espei variety (sometimes referred to as lambchops)
. Coloring is beautiful as well. Very pleased with the durability, shoaling, and compatibility of these fish in a community settings.
Yep, you need more of them. No way around it. I kept harleys for years, and never saw any aggression. I always had at least eight of them, usually 10-15. With only two, you'll often have a dominant one that turns into a tyrant.

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