Hardy Fish?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 9, 2006
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I had a Betta fish who passed away this evening and I would like to know what kind of fish would be ideal for a 3 gallon tank that does not get stressed out like my Betta did. Do you also know of any fish that is not as seceptible to health problems like fin/tail rot and fungus problems? A while ago, my Betta's tank had a nasty case of black algae. :( Any advice would be helpful. :)
you could get some tetras or guppys i find them pretty hardy..
I've never had any problems with fin rot or fungus with my bettas. That tends to be an issue with water maintenance though. For a 3g tank, I wouldn't recommend tetras (neons are not hardy at all) or guppies, as both types like to have a bit more room to swim. You could get a single dwarf gourami. They're lovely, air breathers like bettas, and fun to watch. Or you could get a couple of ADFs, which are hysterically funny IMO.
African Dwarf Frogs, not to be confused with African Clawed Frogs. ADFs are very small and cute, and very entertaning. ACFs are much larger, have claws (thus the name) and can be pretty aggressive.
oh ok im going to have to google some pictures. never seen one before
I'd say a few danios and an oto, although 3 gallons is really hard to work with. Bettas are usually pretty hardy in a tank of that size. Do a complete cleaning of the tank, and maybe try with another one. Pick the healthiest looking one at the store. Good luck :good:!
I have a 2 gallon cold tank and I have a gold fish. Granted I have to change the water about 4 times a month, but he is doing really good and he is cute to watch. He's a good fish. I haven't had any problems with him. I forgot how fun they are.
I didn't know that. I thought he would be ok in a 2 gallon. He isn't all that big. Why do they sell such small tanks then, what are you suppose to put in them?
Bettas, ADFs, etc. There are a number of "nano" fish that can be housed in small tanks of 1-3 gallons without any problem.
I didn't know that. I thought he would be ok in a 2 gallon. He isn't all that big. Why do they sell such small tanks then, what are you suppose to put in them?
4 changes a month, i.e. once a week, is not "a lot of changes" especially not for a goldfish in 2 gallons.

You should be changing the water every day. Well actually you should have the goldfish in 20 gallons, but what can ya do... if you aren't going to upgrade, do water changes every day, and yes I am serious, and no that is not a lot. Once a week is a "standard" amount of water changes. Most people do water changes once a week. Since your goldfish is in confined quarters, he needs extreme water changes.

No I'm not nuts.
I didn't know that. I thought he would be ok in a 2 gallon. He isn't all that big. Why do they sell such small tanks then, what are you suppose to put in them?
4 changes a month, i.e. once a week, is not "a lot of changes" especially not for a goldfish in 2 gallons.

You should be changing the water every day. Well actually you should have the goldfish in 20 gallons, but what can ya do... if you aren't going to upgrade, do water changes every day, and yes I am serious, and no that is not a lot. Once a week is a "standard" amount of water changes. Most people do water changes once a week. Since your goldfish is in confined quarters, he needs extreme water changes.

No I'm not nuts.
Well, thank you all for letting me know, I feel like a horriable fish keeper. I thought he looked happy in there. I will have to get him another home asap, my husband will just love that! Thank you though I love animals and I don't want to make them miseirable

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