
Fish Fanatic
Aug 10, 2003
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ok i just got my test kit and the hardness of the water is about 300 how do i get the that down????? please HELP!!
300 whats? Anyway, my water hardness if literally off the scale so I can relate.

I gather from your name that you keep mollies? Well mollies don't mind hard water. It really isn't a big deal - albeit annoying when you have to scrub limescale off everything in your tank once a week.

In my "Amazon" tank I filtered water through peat for a while, but it caused wild pH swings and I lost a few fish. I eventually got it sensible, by only adding a little peat-filtered water once a week, but the real key was bogwood. I stuffed loads in the tank and gradually it has softened and acidified the water. It's now about pH 6.5, KH 14 (believe me, that's good compared to what it was!). I think GH is about 21, but 21 whats I couldn't say.

I have a friend who keeps things like angels and kribs in our water, without peat filtering or anything like that. He does use CO2, however, which might be the difference.

Alternatively, you could just keep Tanganyikan cichlids!
Alien Anna said:
300 whats? Anyway, my water hardness if literally off the scale so I can relate.

I gather from your name that you keep mollies? Well mollies don't mind hard water. It really isn't a big deal - albeit annoying when you have to scrub limescale off everything in your tank once a week.

In my "Amazon" tank I filtered water through peat for a while, but it caused wild pH swings and I lost a few fish. I eventually got it sensible, by only adding a little peat-filtered water once a week, but the real key was bogwood. I stuffed loads in the tank and gradually it has softened and acidified the water. It's now about pH 6.5, KH 14 (believe me, that's good compared to what it was!). I think GH is about 21, but 21 whats I couldn't say.

I have a friend who keeps things like angels and kribs in our water, without peat filtering or anything like that. He does use CO2, however, which might be the difference.

Alternatively, you could just keep Tanganyikan cichlids!
i only have 2 5 gallion tanks right now for my b-day i will be getting a bigger 1!
Mollie*fish*lover said:
Alien Anna said:
Alternatively, you could just keep Tanganyikan cichlids!
i only have 2 5 gallion tanks right now for my b-day i will be getting a bigger 1!
Lake Tanganyika cichlids are dwarfs. You could even keep a pair in a 15 gal tank, I'm told. Apparently, they like rock hard water. Then again, my mollies seem pretty happy in it.
Alien Anna said:
Mollie*fish*lover said:
Alien Anna said:
Alternatively, you could just keep Tanganyikan cichlids!
i only have 2 5 gallion tanks right now for my b-day i will be getting a bigger 1!
Lake Tanganyika cichlids are dwarfs. You could even keep a pair in a 15 gal tank, I'm told. Apparently, they like rock hard water. Then again, my mollies seem pretty happy in it.
i have mollys is the water fine for them?
I assume you are talking 300 ppm, in which case, that is pretty hard (not nearly as hard as my water) but is perfect for african ciclids and livebearers (guppys mollies platies swordtails). there are lots of other fish that like hard water as well.
Ok, I can realate to you too. My water is about 16 GH. I was in panick about it. But then, I asked and read about it. Here is what I'll do.

First of all, if you are a begginer, never ever tinker with your PH, GH, and such. Test your aquarium, and Tap water for hardness. If its the same, your on the right track.Call your LFS or LPS(calling several of them is a great idea). Ask them if they tinker with thier water and if they get it straigght from the tap(chances are, they don't mess with it, and they use water straight from the tap).

Most LFS and LPS doesnt change their water parameters at all, and use it straight(they might add dechlorinators, but thats different). Fishes you boguth from your LPS and LFS is already adapted to your water conditions(unless it is caught from the wild or if its from somewhere else) thus, eliminating the need for tinkering. I don't change my water conditions, yet I keep softwater species(tiger barbs, pictus cat) and they are all doing really well. It is best to have a stable water conditions than having a fluctuating one..


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