thanks for all the feedback.
I have still not purchased any fish until I research hard on the best option.
The lfs said she will test my water for everything and I plan to get that done as soon as I can get back there.
Maybe if I put the results up on the board I can then make a better decision on what would be best for me.
I know guppies prefered alakiline water so I always have one of those little blocks in there that disolve the acid water. This is what the lfs sold me and said I should do. It leaves a lot of powder in the gravel and when I gravel clean you can see how much clears out.
I am tending to go towards the barb family although I like livebearers for their ease of breeding (hoping to never buy any fish again .. so less chance of bringing disease in)... but really I think barbs are coming up as a hardier fish. (apart from larger fish my tank won't handle).
I was thinking ...
4 more danios (with my zebra danio now)
5 or so rosy barbs (if I can find them here .. haven't checked yet)
5 or so Tiger Barbs
possibly a few cherry barbs.
My last cherry barb bloated up swam funny and died .. maybe swim bladder disease ?? Does that go through the water and effect all the fish. If so, I would need to sort any issues out there before adding more fish.
I have to wait until my guppies have either passed on or I can give them to someone as I think the barbs would terrorise them.
I have still not purchased any fish until I research hard on the best option.
The lfs said she will test my water for everything and I plan to get that done as soon as I can get back there.
Maybe if I put the results up on the board I can then make a better decision on what would be best for me.
I know guppies prefered alakiline water so I always have one of those little blocks in there that disolve the acid water. This is what the lfs sold me and said I should do. It leaves a lot of powder in the gravel and when I gravel clean you can see how much clears out.
I am tending to go towards the barb family although I like livebearers for their ease of breeding (hoping to never buy any fish again .. so less chance of bringing disease in)... but really I think barbs are coming up as a hardier fish. (apart from larger fish my tank won't handle).
I was thinking ...
4 more danios (with my zebra danio now)
5 or so rosy barbs (if I can find them here .. haven't checked yet)
5 or so Tiger Barbs
possibly a few cherry barbs.
My last cherry barb bloated up swam funny and died .. maybe swim bladder disease ?? Does that go through the water and effect all the fish. If so, I would need to sort any issues out there before adding more fish.
I have to wait until my guppies have either passed on or I can give them to someone as I think the barbs would terrorise them.