Hard Corals


Fish Addict
Jan 23, 2009
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Hi every1

Every time i add a hard coral like a torch coral or hammer coral half of it seems to die and dont understand why

My parameters are

P.H 8.2

Ammonia 0

Nitrite 0

Nitrate 10

calcium 410

Alk 8dKH

My aquarium is 300l
with 60kgs of live rock
and live sand
it has been set up for 3 years

4 clown fish
flame angel
4 chromis
lip stick tang
yellow tang
fox face
2 emperor cardinals
flagfin angel
2 fire fish
royal grammer
yellow watchman goby
blue cheek goby

none of the fish touch the corals and no aggression in the tank and not added any fish for last october

EDIT = And I use metal hadale lights for the hard corals
scooter blenny
midas blenny
Whats you ALK and Mg. first up.
Oh! I see your alk's at 8 hows the Mg.
Is there anything annoying it in the vicinity either fish i.e Flame Angel or coral. What about flow around it
If nothing shows then you may need to test and add trace elements such as Iodine, Strontium and the likes.
One thing i have found with my LPS like eupilliya is the like very little flow. Or they dont extend at all. Also could be the angel annoying them
Need to get that up to around 1350 at least Scott.
I use Magnesium chloride and Magnesium sulphate. Need to use a calculator though.
One thing i have found with my LPS like eupilliya is the like very little flow. Or they dont extend at all. Also could be the angel annoying them

Hi ben the angel has never touched them only a small pick at polps and the flow isnt that strong i have 2 korella power heads

Need to get that up to around 1350 at least Scott.
I use Magnesium chloride and Magnesium sulphate. Need to use a calculator though.

HI Big C THE Mg 1250 and i do use mg sulphate also but just wont move up

thanks scott
Are you using both chemicals. You need to determine you total literage after displacement
and use an online calculator for this and the dosage. I drip mine into a weir in the sump over several hours using this modified Rowaphos tub.

HI Big c

my lfs told me to take water out my aquarium and get a table tea spoon an add 2 spoons into a glass

is that ok i was only doing what i was told
Its more than likely the same chemical make up just branded and inflated price.
But yes if you feel more comfortable using that then follow the directions carefully.
But If it were me I would arm myself with all the chemicals for the control of the big 3 Magnesium, Alkalinity and Calcium.
This is what I do.

PM sent
Just a quick question what is the phosphate level in the tank? If it is only part of the coral then water chemistry is unlikely the cause. Surely lighting or more importantly flow are candidates here. That flame angel also looks a bit shifty :shifty: are you sure he isn't tucking in?? Magnesium is involved in stabilising the calcium level not a likely cause for half a coral dying. Magnesium seems to be vogue of the month, brings Madonna to mind :lol: !!

Anyway hope things get sorted soon


Sorry forgot to mention that alk needs to be higher 11-13 dKh, upper end of normal is always better.
I use instant ocean salt which has rubbish mag levels (they are about the same as here 1220-1300 ish) but have kept hammers and torches without any problems. It is low but I wouldnt say its enough to cause a problem (its more like the low end of the "safe zone" imo).

I would be inclined to blame the Angel here as well to be honest.
Light would seem to be fine (when did you last replace the tubes)?
As above what are your phosphate levels?
What kind of flow to you have over it (none of the LPS corals I have kept have like direct flow or too much water movement around them)?
hi the phosphates are zero is that good or bad

i also use ro water

And my temp is 27 c

What do you thing i should do .

tnks scott
Maybe try to bring the temperature down 1 C; make sure you watch the tank but bring it down to 26C and I am sure the LPS will survive. I am going on the temperature at depth where the LPS like hammer frogspawn and torch exist is cooler than the surface. Also when you buy an LPS get the coral from a shop and have a really good look at it. If the colour is vibrant and the polyps extended then it is most probably a good buy.

Give it a go and let us know how things work out


Sorry forgot to ask what lighting are you using (power and spectrum)??

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