stocking for 240 gallon fowlr

Just make sure you have plenty of caves and rock work, and you will be just fine.
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TBH, I would do some kind of predatory fish. Whatever is fine. I like that stock list if you want a peaceful reef tank, but I am super interested in the fish that live in my ecosystem. Maybe consider something like a biotype of the Southern California coast. This way, you could have larger fish, and everything will be an ecosystem. I have an ecosystem freshwater tank outside and that thing is the love of my life! I see you are from north Carolina, unfortunately I don't know what fish live there, but maybe take my idea into consideration.
ok here is the new list. is this better?
2 lyretail anthias
1 flame angel
2 clownfish
4 blue reef chromis
1 royal gramma
1 orchid dottyback
1 firefish
2 bartlett anthias
1 mandarin goby
Looking good but there are a couple of potential issues.

Anthias are much better in a bigger group. 2 is not enough. I would pick one species of them and go for at least 4. In a tank the size you have I would maybe go for 5 or 6. Make sure you pick all females and that you introduce them all at the same time or you are going to have a bad day. One of the females will work out as the dominate one and switch to a male eventually, changing colours in the process.

The Chromis are the same. 4 Is not enough I would go for at least 6 or 7.

Both Chromis and Anthias can be tricky to keep. They definitely benefit from "little and often" feeding. I used to feed small amounts 3 times a day. Chromis are pretty hardy fish in general but will start killing each other off, starting with the smallest, if there is not enough food for them.
TBH, I would do some kind of predatory fish. Whatever is fine. I like that stock list if you want a peaceful reef tank, but I am super interested in the fish that live in my ecosystem. Maybe consider something like a biotype of the Southern California coast. This way, you could have larger fish, and everything will be an ecosystem. I have an ecosystem freshwater tank outside and that thing is the love of my life! I see you are from north Carolina, unfortunately I don't know what fish live there, but maybe take my idea into consideration.
Having a predatory fish would mean having less fish.

The OP wants a feel of a reef, and you can’t get that feeling with 1-2 big fish.
It looks great to me, but angel fish prefer to be in groups so i would stuf the goby's because as said above they get aggressive and just put more angels in instead, but angels can get a bit aggressive to but only rarely. It is a very big tank to so it would not really matter. As long as the base it bigger then the height you should be fine.

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