Happy New Year!.....

Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
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South Africa
Well.... since we here in SA are (at least) 2 hours ahead of the Brits and (at least) 6 hours ahead of the Americanos...... This qualifies me to be the first to say "Happy new year" to all of our members.... and while I'm at it..... Happy valentine's to all of our ladies and have a wonderfull Easter.... May 2012 be the BESTEST 2012 you've ever had!......
[font="arial][size="2"]Gelukkige Nuwe Jaar Ludwig[/size][/font]
[font="arial][size="2"]Mag die goeie dinge in die lewe joune wees in die komende jaar en altyd.[/size][/font]
[font="arial][size="2"]Gelukkige Nuwe Jaar Ludwig[/size][/font]
[font="arial][size="2"]Mag die goeie dinge in die lewe joune wees in die komende jaar en altyd.[/size][/font]

Ha! Ha!..... Yes Big_C.... your "Google Translate" between English/Afrikaans works perfectly..... Thanks and "Dieselfde vir jou en jou Familie..... Mag dit jou beste jaar ooit wees".....
But it's only new years eve on the states east coast.
danksy Ludwig
Happy New Year Ludwig.
It's only 9.35 pm here in the Uk, so a while to go, but Happy New Year to everyone
4:25 p.m. in the midwest U.S.! Heading off to a wonderful New Year's Eve party with good friends and lots of great food.

[font="'Arial Black"]Happy New Year everyone!![/font][font="'Arial Black"][/font]
[font="'Arial Black"]
[font="'Arial Black"]
5:33 in GA. Happy new year!!! Were having our party tomoz
5:33 in GA. Happy new year!!! Were having our party tomoz

Well!!... I am 45 minutes into 2012 and it is great (so far)..... but... let's see what the rest of the year holds.... have you ever tried to get the explosion moment of fireworks on cam???....just impossible...... I'm waiting for the rest of you on this side, and when you join me..... Welcome and enjoy!!!!
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne!

d:D :band: :drink: :pepsi: :- :- :- :mama: :drinks: :friends: :yahoo:

My plans for tonight:
Fondue dinner
Watch "Dinner for One"
Waste time
Watch the Ball drop

Anybody else have awesome plans?

Also, this nonsense of the world ending in 2012...hasn't anybody ever thought that the Mayans might've finished their #41#### calendar if the spanish hadn't anihalated them :sly:
Well dinner in an hour
I get to cook the lobster tails this year!!! My sissy hates anything fish (she won't even come in my room anymore. Which I guess is a good thing) so I gotta make her chicken :grr:
Then my friend is coming over so we can do some fireworks (don't tell anyone)
Then playing some games
Watching the ball drop
Watching a movie
Attempting an all-nighter
Preparing for a party tomorrow night. I gotta make all the food for that too :grr: at least my mom opted for mainly frozens and bought the dessert.
Also, this nonsense of the world ending in 2012...

As if it was yesterday, I recall a man walking the streets with a plackard saying "The world will end tomorrow"..... and that was in 1957..... keep heart old chap!... it's not going to happen!..... :lol:
It's 6:26 here and I love the Happy New Year greeting in Africaan(?), sounds to me like it could be Dutch. A little bit like German or Platt-Deutsch!
Where I grew up we said: Guten Rutsch in's Neue Jahr! That means: have a good slide into the new year! :-
Happy New Year everyone! :drinks:
20 minutes to go here, the Legion will be setting the fireworks off, I'll be able to see them from my window.
On a sadder note it'll be 34 years tonight since I lost my Dad, I still miss him

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