Happy Band Of Danios

demented pea

New Member
May 26, 2009
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I have to re-home some community fish and have two female leopard danios who need a mate(very egg laden) and several zebra danios who are pairing and spawning but the fry are not surviving due to living in the current tank. I have raised fry from these guys before but am now keeping cichlids and want to do more with those, not community fish.

Really nice adult fish free to a good home

I don't want to post them as I haven't the right stuff do it safely so collection only please There are three female three spot gourami going too if anyone wants those one very large older girl and younger ones.

Livestock Zebra danios, leopard danios, three spot gourami
Age and condition:very healthy adult fish
Quantity for sale:2 lepards, 6/7 zebras, 3 gourami
Reason for Sale: change of fish keeping interests
Delivery or Collection:Collection only please
Sales price:Free
Postage & Packaging:N/A
Location: Loughborough Leics

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hi, are the fish still available? I can collect sunday if thats any good for you? Thanks , Mat

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