Haplo Info


New Member
Aug 25, 2010
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Hello everyone i recently took interest in hoplo cats but im not to sure what they require. Can anyone help me find out how to care for them properly? I have a 125 USG tank with a sandy substrate and a ph of 6.8. I currently have 2 synodontis probably about three inches big and five cory cats with some plecos so they have enough room i think. I have 3 big pieces of driftwood and two small pieces in case they needed that. Do haplos like to be in groups like cories? They kind of look like huge cories in my opinion and i would also like to know if they are carnivore eaters and eat blood worms. All help is appreciated
Hello everyone i recently took interest in hoplo cats but im not to sure what they require. Can anyone help me find out how to care for them properly? I have a 125 USG tank with a sandy substrate and a ph of 6.8. I currently have 2 synodontis probably about three inches big and five cory cats with some plecos so they have enough room i think. I have 3 big pieces of driftwood and two small pieces in case they needed that. Do haplos like to be in groups like cories? They kind of look like huge cories in my opinion and i would also like to know if they are carnivore eaters and eat blood worms. All help is appreciated

flakes, pellets, wafers, food sticks, frozen, freeze-dried, or live foods.

Once they mature, the male hoplos develop thicker pectoral fins. The females get plumper.
they are also bubble nest builders and require
a floating object to build there bubble nest under

Hoplo catfish breathe air.This means you can keep them in warmer (low oxygen levels) water

keep them between 65 and 85, they’re happy little scavengers.
was looking at some today funny enough. kept these over the years and they are lovely fish, so easy to keep, easy to feed and grow quickly into charactorful little fellas :good:
was looking at some today funny enough. kept these over the years and they are lovely fish, so easy to keep, easy to feed and grow quickly into charactorful little fellas :good:

over the last few days mrs biffster
as also been going on about getting
some more
i got a little baby one a couple of days ago to replace a striped raphael i lost. my mate has had some full size ones for a while now, and they're funny little things. mine seems pretty happy, likes to lay on leaves at the moment.
Strangely enough I was just about to ask a question regarding these! I am setting up a 100 litre tank shortly and was going to set-up a hoplo community of about 5 hoplos but from the comments I have seen on various websites it seems as though that this will be too small to keep 5 hoplos once they get to full size, can anybody offer any advice?? I know they are hardy fish but don't really want to stress them out by overcrowding.

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