Hand Sanitisers & Aquariums?

The other one is Poly-Filter

It used to be made by a company called Underword, but it's now made by Arcadia. You'll still see some shops advertising it under the Underworld name.

It's not filter wool/filter floss but a filter medium that removes various substances.
They've been moved to a tote. Brand new, cycled sponge pulled from my other tank. Carbon sitting in the tote with them.

Transfered to fresh new water 3 times before moving them in here, to try to "wash" anything off them.

Couple more of the cories showing some bleeding in the heads, but not at the levels the others were.
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I do hope they pull through for you and sorry to hear what's happened :sad:
The other one is Poly-Filter

It's not filter wool/filter floss but a filter medium that removes various substances.

Poly-Filter, hmm not come across this product before, has this been proven to work in removing harmful substances from water column, and am assuming it acts much like carbon ?
Years ago when it was made by Underworld it claimed to remove more than carbon does. It used to come with a leaflet inside the pack, though now it's Arcadia they don't seem to have that.
I noticed the bottle on here says keep away from children. If this stuff is that deadly to fish is it safe for humans to use it. My first comment on this thread was based on personal experience, I have been using hand sanitizers since the mid 1990's without a problem. We are highly regulated here in New Zealand and I can't imagine anything that deadly being allowed on the market. By the way I also don't sanitize my hands and put them in a tank. I am sorry for your losses, it is a pity there are not warnings on these products.
Everything is deadly in a high enough concentration, just the dose is different for a 1g cory.
Take caffeine the ld50 (concentration which causes 50% chance of death) is about 50mg per kg. That equates to 3.5g of pure caffeine for a 70kg human, but only 0.05mg for a 1g fish.
But I think most countries add in something to stop people drinking it, which makes them Ill. They do the same with methyated spirits in the uk(and make it pink)
there was a spate of homeless people walking into hospitals and just drinking hand sanitizer straight from the dispenser.
Years ago when it was made by Underworld it claimed to remove more than carbon does. It used to come with a leaflet inside the pack, though now it's Arcadia they don't seem to have that.
What are the removal rates for activated carbon anyway?
That's the trouble, all we have to go by (that I can find) is vague claims by manufacturers.
We have to use sanitizer in every single shop here, and now I am paranoid about getting a little cave for Archibald Spooner, my new albino cory. These things are constantly being handled by sanitized hands at the LFS and the hardware store :sick:
We have to use sanitizer in every single shop here, and now I am paranoid about getting a little cave for Archibald Spooner, my new albino cory. These things are constantly being handled by sanitized hands at the LFS and the hardware store :sick:

Don’t think that’s a real issue as long as you throughly clean the cave before adding to the tank.

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