Hand Feeding

my fish arent at all shy they pretty much fed from hand straight away . in fact when i dangle a prawn they kind of queue up and take turns to take bites oput of it and those that cant get a spot on the prawn turn their attention to my hand
When I had coldwater, I used to wet my finger, dip my hand in the flake pot, then dangle my finger just below the water line. Goldfish would then suck it off. They got so used to it that after a while I didn't have to add flake, just dangle my finger

Yeah thats what I did, soon started eating off my finger, my swordtails do it now aswell.
all my fish feed from hand except my plec. i started with a sinking pellet and and put it on my hand in tank took them bout 5 min to start eating from my hand the first time. now everytime i put my hand in they are all tere to see what i have.
All my fish hand feed, my guppies, goldfish and my marine fish as wel, my pair of yellowfin damsels and percula clownfish. To get them to hand feed you just have to get them used to it.
just noticed the posting, thought I would join in. I have Gold Gouramis, Dwarf Gourami's, Guppies, Odessa Barb and Cardinal Tetras. They will all take food from my fingers, I have a hexagonal tank, and tend to feed in the same corner each time, Now even if I just stand on that particular side of the tank they will all gather expecting goodies! I also have some Guppy Fry (4 weeks) who will immediately come to my fingers when I dip my finger with a little liquifry. I think once the association has been made between your hand/fingers and food they just get bolder and bolder :)
I wnat to hand feed my honey gouramis.

They just seem to ignore it and go in and out of my fingers.

Hi Miah002 :)

You are doing very well to get the honey gouramis to do that. They are normally timid fish. Mine hide behind the filter, or in the plants, whenever I approach their tank.
Your finger would come off.

Puffers try to bite your hand. I went my lfs the other day and they had a 60 cm pufffer.

So i stuck finger on the glass and it looked like it started smiling and then it came up to the glass and trying to bite finger.

Oh and it had a lot of sharp teeth.

No it didn't have lots of sharp teeth. It had modified outer jaw bones which exhibits as a beak and has a divide in the top and bottom (hence the puffer family name of Tetraodontidae - four-toothed).

As to how to hand feed, just put your hand in whilst holding food:



Wow lovely fish.

Inchworm how long have you had your gourami?

One of mine i've had for 8 months and another for 2 or three weeks.

The one I've had for 8 months likes to go in and out of my finger but the other one will stay near the floating plants and look at my hand.

I think he's copying the other one because each day he comes closer and closer to my hand.

I've had mollys before that would think my fingers were the food.
my best mate has an Oscar and he jumps out of the water and steals the food out of ur hand.. the 1st time he did it it was an accident but now he does it all the time. getting higher evrytime i see it

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