Hand Feeding


Fish Addict
Jan 7, 2009
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This is about hand feeding. Can you train your fish to be hand fed?

If so how did you do it?

Before when i owned guppys they used to eat out my hand as my lfs already trained them to be hand fed.

My Bn took quite long to be hand fed. I used to hold a piece of courgette and wait 5 mins every day.

After a month he would come to my hand and he's start earing the cougette from my hand.
Before i got my Tanganyikans my kribs hand fed i think the more they get use to you going to the tank and feeding them they gradually get to no your not a threat and your the supplier of there food so i slowly just put my hand in with bits of flake every day then a few days later they just swam to my hand and ate
Ok. So do you stick your hand in the water when feeding?
my female GBR feeds from hand, all i did was stick my hand in the tank holding the food every day for about 2 weeks and then they twigged that im not going hurt them
When I had coldwater, I used to wet my finger, dip my hand in the flake pot, then dangle my finger just below the water line. Goldfish would then suck it off. They got so used to it that after a while I didn't have to add flake, just dangle my finger and they would be sucking away, it felt really good to be honest :)

I wnat to hand feed my honey gouramis.

They just seem to ignore it and go in and out of my fingers.
Ok. So do you stick your hand in the water when feeding?
Ye thats what i done then they just swam to my hand slowly then has the days went by they got use to it and every time i walked to the tank they swam to the top waiting for me to feed them :good:
All they want is food and nothing else.
I wnat to hand feed my honey gouramis.

They just seem to ignore it and go in and out of my fingers.
I think its easier feeding the more boisterous fish by hand as there a little more upfront than the shy ones they like to investigate a little more like i said it was only my kribs that hand fed my bala shark wouldnt come near me he use to hide away lol
Your finger would come off.

Puffers try to bite your hand. I went my lfs the other day and they had a 60 cm pufffer.

So i stuck finger on the glass and it looked like it started smiling and then it came up to the glass and trying to bite finger.

Oh and it had a lot of sharp teeth.

Your finger would come off.

Puffers try to bite your hand. I went my lfs the other day and they had a 60 cm pufffer.

So i stuck finger on the glass and it looked like it started smiling and then it came up to the glass and trying to bite finger.

Oh and it had a lot of sharp teeth.
To hand feed my ghost knife, I used to put the food in my hand and lower it to where he was, then he could find it quicker before the other fish came and ate it all, then over a period of weeks, he would come up higher and higher in the tank when it was feeding time, until now, he knows its feeding time as soon as the lid is opened and he swims up as fast as possible and eats it straight from my hand.
If you hand feed fish with big mouths then wouldn't they try to eat your hand.
If you hand feed fish with big mouths then wouldn't they try to eat your hand.

You mean like THIS?

Fish with big enough mouths to swallow a hand generally arn't housed in home aquaria (except maybe the gulper catfish :p). I remember my old oscar making my brothers thumb bleed when he hand fed a worm. Fish I would be wary of handfeeding would be puffers, piranha or venomous fish.
Wow that fish has one big mouth lol.

Do your oscars try to eat your hand?

We have kois and some big catfish in our pond but we never hand feed it.

They're my dad who goes in the pond and cleans it. The fish in their love him as they alwayls go near his leg and rub aginst it.

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